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Let's get crazy but be nice!

33 Replies

Do you listen to music when you draw or do you find it distracting? If so, what kind of music do you listen to?

I do listen to music but most of the time it has to relate to the piece I'm doing or instrumental haha because if it's not instrumental I tend to sing along to it and don't finish my artwork.

Nickelanarchy replied 2426 days ago

Have you ever drawn a character with short hair? I noticed most if not everyone you've drawn rather shaggy hair. I get that it's personal preference, but I was just wondering.

I have lol but that's soo long ago.

Nickelanarchy replied 2435 days ago

But ur saying you will abandon them? Is it supposed to say that or does it say i wont abadon?

I will abandon them constantly

Nickelanarchy replied 2439 days ago

Why does it say "i will abandon my art ideas i promise!" Is ur bio

Because I tend to do that a lot. I have so many wips in my computer that is sad really .

Nickelanarchy replied 2440 days ago

U H so first of all I'm confused with the circle thing around every humans nose? What is that? Next they all really have the same face? And how do you say your username?

Umm the circle thing idk it looks nice?? I don't think I have the same face thing. And my name is nickel like the 5 cents of America's currency and anarchy the form of government.

Nickelanarchy replied 2444 days ago

I'mma keep it real with you chief, I really don't like Voltron

I'm sorry but I want to draw it for a bit. I'm planning to expand my fanart lol.

Nickelanarchy replied 2452 days ago

I love your art

Thank you!!

Nickelanarchy replied 2462 days ago

I honestly think your anatomy could get a little better along with their faces because most faces look the same or very similar to me. Just kinda mix it up ? I know its not my decision sorry if it seems rude im just trying to be blunt but nice about it.

Yeah that's why I'm practicing lol

Nickelanarchy replied 2479 days ago

Fun fact: You don't need to post every day! People are busy so it only makes sense you can't always have something new! Taking breaks is important and people should understand

Most don't lol

Nickelanarchy replied 2486 days ago

can you please stop posting the "turn your phone off and let your followers say something nice" thing so much

Main reason I post it is because I have artist block..

Nickelanarchy replied 2495 days ago

I hate myself. How about you?

Umm you really can't hate yourself completely you must love something about you. I sometime hurt myself as well but not completely

Nickelanarchy replied 2619 days ago

Brag about yourself. What are you really good at doing?

I guess I'm okay at drawing :P

Nickelanarchy replied 2681 days ago

What thing did you do that ruined a relationship/s?


Nickelanarchy replied 2693 days ago 1

How did you know you were bi?

Hmmm maybe around 8th or 9th because I started checking out girl a lot more.. or maybe I was younger I always thought some girls were really pretty to me. It wasn't surprising really to me when I said "I'm bi".

Nickelanarchy replied 2693 days ago

What makes you uncomfortable?

Being asked too many questions at the same time. As well as random touches with people I don't really talk to. And maybe leaving a person hanging when we're texting or talking. Haha, there are so many things that literally makes me uncomfortable maybe because I have the worse social skills and overthinks thing that could literally consume my thoughts.

Nickelanarchy replied 2723 days ago