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P o K e!!! :P
Oh wouldn't you wanna know :)
Yes ;)
Ahahaha yes I do :) x
Ahahaha,no I'm not but if you think I am one then I can't change what you think. But you surely a coward,why come say it on a site where I don't know who you are,say it on bbm to me ;)
No thanks,not intrested
UhMm * ;;) iiM sUre ii lOve yOo aSweLL?? :) x piiNg MeH!!!xXx
H e y _ t h e r e x
Mmmm. [thiinkiing facey] * this can only be D e s v a n :) x
* M w a O o H z Z !! x X x [sUre ii miiSsEd yOo tOo ;)
S n O e k ii E z <3
Awwwwh, I love you too my girl :*
Thank you SO much :) x
Hey hey :) eish well that s*cks (n) [PING] me so we can chat :D
:D <3 I love you too snoekiez xx
Uhm,I don't remeber asking for your opionion so keep it to yourself unless I ask for it ;)
Thank you, yeah well believe it :)