Nicola Sequeira
Eat? You eat? Why your almost human ?
Let’s all eat together then 😂😉
The self respect that you carry is precious ? and soo gorgeous ?
Thank you so much ?xx
A human heart sold legally can cost around $1 million, but I'm willing to give you mine for free, what say you? ?
I don’t deserve that ?
When you coming back for School?
When school starts ?
Liam Neeson, Liam Neeson said you are taken ?
Ooooo Stranger danger?
I see you are already taken ?, guess that makes you out of stock ?? ?
????? emmmmm who said I was taken ? ?
Whoops, enjoying mozam? Whats to do there?
Lots ?
Your disappointed and its 3pm what do you do?
How many chats do you have going at any given time? Like how about at the time of your reading this?
A view I guess
Your second name?
Any other question but that one ???
What is your natural hair colour?
Where's the Comey come from to be traveling to mozam every other day?
Eemmmmmm ?? I’m not rich, I’m lucky and extremely grateful
Hey you are so pretty?? and you look like such a kind sweet person with a good heart?❤
Naw thank you so much ! Such a nice thing to say ❤️
Think I'm the only one posting anything here at this point, your not interested in me, but I think that youre the perfect girl, you respect yourself and behave like a real lady, no guy deserves you
Aw thx ?Please please tell me who you are or dm me ??
How about that you are absolutely gorgeous?
Interested in any guys lately?
No not really
How often do you have to hear that your beautiful? ?
Not thaaaaat often ?
You know why it'll never work? Cause your wayyy too beauuuuuuuutiiful girl
Naww you so sweet thanks xx
19, were good ?, goodnight Nicola
Emm okay ?? night sleep nice dude ?
qooh me is no place to meet someone, max age difference between you and a guy?
I didnt mean qooh must anywayyyy?? i think no more than two years
Nah, we don't even know one another, quite creepy on my behalf for even asking questions, found you really pretty, but I'm a coward ? never dated anyone before either, not really bother though, your such a descent girl, hope our paths meet some day
Would be nice if we could meet ??
Nah, we don't even know one another, quite creepy on my behalf for even asking questions, found you really pretty, but I'm a coward ? never dated anyone before either, not really bother though, your such a descent girl, hope our paths meet some day
Thank you so much ? you don’t have to be scared you know, you seem pretty chilled
I loves you?
Megan this is you ??
If you were a fish that lived in a rainbow ocean but unicorns and fish were enemies like the 2 kings in romeo and Juliet how would you feel about it?
I’d leave that ocean because fish and unicorns are cool together mahn
I loves you?
loves you tooooo ??
But to find out who he is, he has to have your attention for at least long enough to read you his cv, what if they were mangoes being thrown instead of oranges? Get me your attention ??
pleeeease dm me ????
Brains vs brawn? Which do you look for in a guy?
I really don’t mind ???
What gets your attention from a guy? Money? Popularity? Looks? For someone with none of the above persay, what would it take to get your attention? Obviously nothing like throwing oranges at you which will obviously do the trick but not in a good way ?
To be honest dude, I’m not interested in how much money a guy has to offer me or how hot he is or how cool he is. I like a guy for who he is as a person ? but I died reading the last sentence honestly who are you ?????
Do you still like mango?
Oh yeah I really love that fruit can’t stop eating it these days
Why have you never dated anyone? Been rejecting people or not being asked?
I have been asked just scared that’s all
Your such a descent girl
Ah thank you ?
Have you a dean eve pulled ??
Emmmmm who ???
Yes I do when need arises????
What about you? ???????
Still wanna know who you are ??
How’s the weather up there
its good hey and down there ?
Why is your sister so nice?
cause she lives with me? lol jokes mahnnn ?
What made you happy today? 100+
Which movie do you regret watching and why ?
Friday the 13th and because I can’t sleep in those Friday’s
Aw thanks gorgeous ??
Your greatest accomplishment?
Making myself proud ?
What's the rudest thing a guest has done at your house?
One time, this guest took my chocolate out the fridge !
Luke Moore ?
Cool dude ☺️
Are you and ryan a thing ?
Ryan ?
Do you pick your nose and scratch your A$$?
Do YOU pick your nose and scratch you A$$ ?
What is the worst decision you ever made?
Learning to ride a motor bike
Let's just leave it as me being your secret admirer ?
I don’t have secret admirers ?
Lol what was the place/situation?
You tell me
This is not Ryan
Who are youuu then ?
Have you ever been in a situation where you and a friend arrived somewhere and went straight to the bathrooms and found them closed/unusable?
Who might that idiot Ryan be? ????
Ryan ?
Now i pay you and we have a good time? just joking
Do you know me ???just a question
What does it depend on? This app has censored several words??
It depends on what it depends on
Are you $exually active?
Nooooooo no
Would you do an*** $ex?
Oh my gad
Where do you like dck?
A dck is a dck ?
Do you like dck??
Do you like dck? Is that better lol ?
Ducking qooh spelling who is this ?
Would you s*ck a dck
Oh yes ???
Who would you have $ex with
Someone who’s extremely special to me
What did your last relationship teach you?
Never been in one ?
What's one of the dumbest things you've heard someone say?
Kinda wanna make babies
You keen?
? no thaaaaaanks
Angies number or anything don’t wanna expose myself ?
I won't expose you but I'm sorry I can't expose my great friends number on qooh...sowi?
Why do you have so many dogs?? wtf id never date you if you have that many it will ruin all of the fun we could have home alone at your house
Would you get rid of two for a special person?
Whooo are youuu ????? wtf. Why would you be in my house if I don't even know who you are ?
Do you pluck your b*m hairs?
?what kind of question is that
How do i get angielica to like me if she dosnt like anyone else
Loved to help with that question but please dm me. I'll help you then ..with pleasure ?
How many dogs do you have?
3 ??♀️
Favorite foods
Pancakes ?
Thoughts on child molestation
That's disgusting
How much money do you need right now and why ?
Tbh, I need R30000 to pay for my geo tour ???
What quote do you live by?
Always see people, not colour ?
Life or death situation:
You have to drink 1L of your own urine to survive and if you don't you'll get shot what would a beautiful girl such as you do in this situation?
That's cute but I'd rather get shot ???✨
Simon Holliday?
Great friend ?
Would you f an animal
Wanna do role play $ex
Rapist a seven year old girl
You need a therapist dude??
I like my women like I like my wine 10 years old and in my basement
How do you like your guys?
Who is this ??
Would you ever give a rim job
Hellllll no ?
Which guys do you miss from KHS?
All my guy mates ??
What's your Snapchat username
What type of people annoy you the most?
Selfish people ?
A hypothetical scenario.
You and a rapist are on a platform. You knock him/her over but he/she grabs the edge and start hanging for dear life.
You wish to make them fall.
In detail, what do you do to them? No weapons
Who are you dude ??
What do you wish your parents understood?
Lots of things
Wanna have an***
You confuse me
Would you be lesbian with me???
Uhh I won't be lesbian at alllll soz bru