A person you never want to talk to again?
If I was pretty_ & you were a lesbian_would you date me!
Lols yes
Why would you do that!! I'm friendly as hell woman!!
Jus like love me or iets!!!
U kno we go way back*
Niggak dnt u think I know dat but cnt wanna be stalking me *** in n have a seat
If I were to stalk you..
What would you do?
I'd report u or sumfing
So ii kinda have a crush on you but dunno what too tell you!! Maybe you"ll blow me off!! You really pretty!!!*
Awww thanks man
Longest Realtionship
With who was it???
Must answer this!!!
Raoul and it was 8months
How long did your last call last?
5 minutes
Jah Niece b*mz_ just your mooi sister always spreading liefde*!!! ShaeKayla
Hey hey just thawt I'd spwed sum lovies mwahzzz *_*
Aweeeea dog!!!! Jys alwee tussen!! Dankii mos ShaeKayla
Jaha j ken mos hu kom ons uit*_*