Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Surfers Paradise, Hawaii or California
Rich or poor, they're still a person, they have been given a life, therefore, both deserve to live, so yes I would give CPR to a homeless person. Whoever thought of this question is a dîck
You're actually really lovely, good to be around and talk too, you have a great sense of humour that sometimes can be worrying because it scares me, but most of the time you can make me laugh, you pretty and you have a cute smile!
What's a social life.
Sick as
You're cool as!
Deleting these "Questions"...
You're amazing! I trust you with my whole heart and I'm sure you trust me! You always make me smile and even if you don't I'm still making you smile! You're the cutest thing! Luv ya matey! :-)
I would but you're anonomous.
I like me more than a "feind" too.
Just incase this may be Hayley, as herself I apologise! But since it is anonomous I'm gonna guess it isn't, I'll give me thoughts on her when she asks' me herself.
She's cute!
Nup, you called me a fâggöt.... I guess you're okay though. ;-)
Füćken' kill em' Bree! ;)
There is 7.17 billion people on this planet. 67.3% of those people are most likely füćk wits like you. Whoever you are, stop, you're making yourself look like a ****.
I guess I can agree.
Allie is beautiful, thankyou very much. ****
My names Brandon, I think you have the wrong person.
You're lovely! You always give me hugs and you make me smile, you're so kind, you're cute, you have a great body, you're just mint! :-)
Aw haha, I just love ya! You're cool, you make me smile and laugh, you are always smiling even when your upset on the inside you never show it! You smile is cute too! You're always there for me as I am for you too! You deserve heaps my pretty! ;) x
Hayley Roff, tanika, I dunno! :(
The sion girls I just mentioned
You're cool! You're nice, funny and cute!
Abbey Boulton, Hayley Gram, Sarah McKay i dunno!
I have a belly button
She's pretty cool, she's really kind to ey, she has respect for not only everyone around her but herself as well and she's pretty attractive!
You're really nice, good to talk to and you're cute!
I'd rather **** in my hands and clap than hear you speak.
She cool... Nahh she's like my sister, best to talk to, easy to get along with!
Really nice, extremely caring like seriously, she's amazing, saw her today, she's ma sis!
Because I have disabilities...
You're really nice!! Extremely funny!! And you have cool hair lol!! x
He's pretty mint!!
Out of PL or just any?! For PL, tanika, Lauren, Lara, Amy!! And then jut for everything else I dunno?! Tasha!!
To be yourself, and not someone else.
You're extremely kind, you always talk to me and they're always good chats not bad ones, you tell me things that I can relate to, and I can help, and your beautiful!
She's very nice to me and she cares about everyone
The type that has a grip The type that rides ;) The type that can jump up and down ;) Yeah, that's all... I'm marrying my skateboard :)
Marley and me Definetly
Nice but annoying
Their mums
Top kid whoever he likes
That is very unfortunate, my Condolences U Noisey Taco
Your anonymous parents need to teach you how to speak.
My night mares are just the opposite of my dreams, and my dreams are mostly about skateboarding so unless you're a skateboard, I'm going to have to ask you nicely to **** OFF :)
HA, YOU'RE* Yeah umm I don't know who you are.... Anonymous
When that one person talks to you!! (:
Like most others... I found him in space Nah I only got to know him properly last year in year 7
Nothing is worth more than this person :)
Would you like chewy or a mint?
Money money money
He's a funny f***er, little coon
Moulton??? She's extremely nice, funny in a cute way, she has the cutest cheeks, she's just adorable
He's a great mate, good to be around, funny, and we went to the skatepark today (we shred that Bit**)
You're nice, funny and we've been in a lot of classes together.
Just laugh and act like they have no life :)
She's nice, funny and we're in the same music class!!!
Bloke*, but yeah I'll agree with that
He's a good bloke, he's good to have a laugh with he's funny.
He's funny
Me lol!
Lachie shaw, mack when he's not annoying, Jacob Davis and Jacob cooper, dan and hoges
Never was?!?
She's really nice, she's a gamer!, she's good to talk to and she's funny
Yes haha
I feel like such a bad person lol
Maccas loose change menu.
Thank you! :)
I don't know who you are ;)
If I was to define CREEP I'd say, caring, loving, sweet, nice, kind, adoring and funny o_O
Nice, good to be around, gets hurt very easy but she always has friends (me) lol jk, that will make her happy.
I don't think I can't explain my thoughts on you, you are amazing!
Your kind, funny, caring and cute! (:
Really nice, good to talk to, funny and nice to be around. (:
You should get a life and tell a doctor about your problems
Thank you! :)
What u doin ;)