Hey dis alla hoe was jou eksamen!!*onsinne was maklik en moeilik
Oz sine was maklik en stupid ma ek sweer ek gan my wisk ace :D
You are also a fat ugly Bit** u know you don't say that to her and you mustnt say it to god and then he feels so f*ken stupid to stand by your side
Do you think I care what u say 2 me if I am fat agh shame at least I'm not a f***ing slu*!! If u are going 2 stand up 4 a slu* BE MY f***ING GUEST!!! Ps tx I know I am a Bit**!! :)
Wie ookal jy is wat vrae vra oor stephanie,,,sy is 'n bit** want sy lieg vju!! Wec jy biQi pelle mt ha en dan vul j hu vul dt!! BTW!! Wi is j?????
Yeah my point view to she is just a bi*** that's gonna give u a name and u r gonna keep that name 4ever!* :)
What lie
Ping on bbm please
When you want to be so dumP then be it I am helping you
WTF ping me on bbm
Jys awesome*!! Bly soo Nikki!! I love u neh!! Lovies::AllaQ AlleshaneQ
Tx AllaQ sterkte me vidag se toets sien nunu
You are mean
Awwww tx PS no I'm a Bit****!:)
Seriously who wants to be friends with her when she can't tell you the truth
Yeah I mean y? Did she do all that crap to me? And always lie to me?
I think you must say sory to stephanie and be friends again
Y must I if she's gonna be a Bit** so be it!* :)
I want to know if she is childish because wat dit she do and when because I want to know -so say it then and I thought that you said that stephanie is your sissa and now not any more
It's not my fualt she is the bigist Bit**!!*:) ping me on bbm
Why is she childish
Who want 2 know
BOOO!!!! Ken jy my
Michelle is ek reg?!?! :) ping my ASB
What did she do to you
I think you should ask what did she not do to me ping on bbm and I will try 2 tell u!* :)
Why is stephanie nel not your friend
Because she very childish :)*