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Nikita meyer


ask me anything you want to (: (;

30 Replies

Why are you such a *****???

Becuase I can be if u have a prob. With it guess what oh! Shame

Nikimeyer replied 4134 days ago

Y r u friends with that ***hole Tyler!!!

Uhhhm excuse me that so called ***hole tyler is my best ****ing friend do you have a problem shame °̩ dont give 1 **** he is 1 of my best friends if you cant deal with it guess what write it on a peace of paper and shove it up your as* °̩ dont care hes to amazing for words he cares about me and everything wen im sad hes always there to help so **** you ok (:

Nikimeyer replied 4134 days ago

Hey my *exy peaches:p=D Jst wanted to tell u that ur the most amazing person eva:g...nd the bestest friend °̩‎​ could ask for({})nd plz don't change for any1:| nd stay awesome nd amazing, luv u ;;)♡

Omg ninaaaa my s*xy peaches =D o yeaaah love you to nina thanx for every thing could never ask for a better friend , and hay nina parttyyy this weekend neh :D cant waiit xoxo ... :p

Nikimeyer replied 4134 days ago

Why were u so mean 2 Mi-Jean?

Ask me on bbm

Nikimeyer replied 4134 days ago

Y does everyone judge u?

That's a a question °̩ cant answer °̩ guess they jealous °̩ dont know ask your self that question (:

Nikimeyer replied 4134 days ago

Hey beauty xoxo.. Your so pretty like dont change for any 1 ignore the selfish b*tches who wish they wre you xxx.. Ashley ; ) was here

Heeheheheh thaaannx ashhh loves you loads :p ♡

Nikimeyer replied 4134 days ago

Who's your 5 best friends

Connor is the first even thou im dating him , then nina , tyler , this other guy tyrinn , tammy

Nikimeyer replied 4134 days ago

The first thing you think of after you wake up ?

My most amaziing boyfriend ever xoxox (: ♡

Nikimeyer replied 4147 days ago

How long have you been d8ting Connor Atli...125

Tomorrow is 3 weeks (: ♡

Nikimeyer replied 4151 days ago

OmG Nikimeyer uu look sOoo!...pretty lol sO Jealous ryt noW :]x ...lMaO TumiLola...

Hahah thanx alot who are you thou ♡ (: (;

Nikimeyer replied 4152 days ago

Would you marry Connor? Atli...125

Yes °̩ love hime alot so °̩ would

Nikimeyer replied 4152 days ago

What would you do if Connor dumped you for somebody else?

Well what can °̩ do ? If he likes another chick then he likes her its not like you can control your feelings ryt bt id probly cry :(

Nikimeyer replied 4152 days ago

What is your biggest secret

If °̩ told you it wouldn't be my biggest secret now would it ? (:

Nikimeyer replied 4152 days ago

Hey Niki TylerCS

Heyy tyler (: :p

Nikimeyer replied 4153 days ago

Nah gal juss try.. Grade 6?

Uuuh no why would °̩ wanna be in a childish grade with childish people no thanks

Nikimeyer replied 4157 days ago