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Ask me anything you like anonymously

694 Replies

I'll be pissing on your grave

Your nothing but pathetic.
Inbox me if we have an issue

Nikita.boko replied 2996 days ago

You will end up being a teenage mum that's hooked on to drugs and then overdose and make everyone happy

Firstly I don't do drugs and secondly I don't go around sleeping with people, I have my boy and there's other things in life to make him happy besides $ex

Nikita.boko replied 2996 days ago

Your still a prostitute

Babe we both know here that I'm not the one that sells herself for $ex

Nikita.boko replied 3001 days ago

Single or taken?

Not single not taken

Nikita.boko replied 3002 days ago

Thoughts on phillip foster ?

I've meet only a few times but seems like a nice kid, but please don't hurt Nicole she's a very outgoing girl and you make her happy

Nikita.boko replied 3002 days ago

Thoughts on bella p?

Look I'm absolutely fine with Bella, I just don't like how she treats the people that have always been there for her like sht. I'm always going to be here for her to talk but don't know if we could be as close as we used to

Nikita.boko replied 3002 days ago

Please just end your life
Do everyone a favour

sorry to inform you but I'm not ending my life over a little ****, that clearly dosnt get what she wants. ?

Nikita.boko replied 3002 days ago

Apparently you have no family

They may not all be blood related but I have a family, and I'm happy that I know they'll always be here for me

Nikita.boko replied 3002 days ago

I pray something bad happens to you

Sadly for you I'm fine, unlike yourself looseing people that "ment the world to you" must be hard x

Nikita.boko replied 3002 days ago

Cut ya wrists like you used to

My wrists are clean unlike yours...

Nikita.boko replied 3002 days ago

You look like a 10 year old prostitute die

Lol, okay babe forgot your a "princess"

Nikita.boko replied 3058 days ago

Foster scum

How dose me being in care affect your life?
How am I scum, I go to school, getting my cert 2 in beauty and cert 3 in hairdressing , and where are you going? No where! that's right because your a low life little **** that smokes bud for a living and write stupid things like this so you can feel better about yourself.

Nikita.boko replied 3058 days ago 1 1

Wallah you should neck yourself

btch your not even arabic ?

Nikita.boko replied 3058 days ago

Burn in hell and put some clothes on u fcken little *****

Lol I love how you waste your time everyday to go on here and write up to 3 questions to me per day trying to assault me, your a jealous little btch, I saw you not long ago and you didn't say sht to my face you stood there acting as if we're mates, stop being a jealous ****, your 14 grow the fck up.

Nikita.boko replied 3058 days ago

Would u hook up with a rich 27 yr old xoxo

Do you realise I don't care if your rich your still 10 years older then me so look it's a no from me

Nikita.boko replied 3156 days ago