Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
When I got to take Ryan home from the hospital
Falling asleep with my little man on me
Just bowel problems
My mum Because she has absolutely been amazing to me
It went really good...just after his surgery is the problem we have at the moment
His smile
Thankyou! I hope so! I'm absolutely terrified
Ryan bowel surgery
Hey Aaron Hahah
No one knows...even I don't know why he came early.. He is doing very well now :) honestly we thought we lost him, but we didn't and I'm so lucky that he is here today
Have no idea
He was born at 23 weeks, but I was measuring at 22 weeks. Thank you he is doing very well, he is 104 days old, just over 3 months old, he would of been 38 weeks and 3 days if he was still in my belly..
Matt did come to Brisbane with me, when I was in labour, when I needed to get trnasferred to Brisbane, when I had to stay in hospital and when Ryan was going through a tough time, he now comes up when he can and isn't working.
Back at Tenterfield working. He comes to Brisbane when he isn't working.
Because I rather him stay in the hospital that he is in and with the care that he has got instead of moving him and explaining everything to the doctors and nurses.
Because he was born very early and has to stay in Brisbane.
I have no idea, it's up to the doctors and nurses to tell me when Ryan and myself can go home
Not caine or ecstasy.. I have smoke cigarettes but that was a while ago
Yes I do
Cause I won't put stuff up about him til we are home :)
Ryan! ☺️
I'm already ugly
Lets not go there
Happy! Because everything is going great!
Very very busy
He is doing well thank you :) xx
With respect
Flashlight- Jessie J
Boring people..
My figure
I ain't no poo poo head hahaha I'm pretty sure that's you ;)
To go home
We are doing well Thankyou! Ryan is still in hospital but he is doing really well :) xo
Eat chocolate? Honesty I don't know, I guess you gotta just try and move on and forget about that person.:
Never watched it..
I hope so, but I can't predict what the future holds. I love matt and he loves me and we have a beautiful little boy that we both love so much. And I wouldn't change it for the world. I'm happy and that's all that matters to me
No I don't regret it, I have a beautiful little boy that I love so much, I wouldn't change what I have for anything else, I rather spend my time with my Ryan then go out an spend money on alcohol.
Don't know
My mum
Fried rice!
Yes/no I like wodonga but at the same time I didn't like the drama that was going on..
Only person I've slept with is Matthew
Aqua or ocean blue
No I haven't
Inbox me if you want to know anything about my pregnancy please.
Wouldn't mind having another kid but way later in the future
Anything about my pregnancy inbox me.
8 months...but I've had a shower everyday though
Huh? What are you talking about??
No comment.
No comment.
Not even going to answer this.
Don't know
Wtf are you on about...???? I haven't done Sh!t in case you were wondering I haven't had time to talk to them as much because my life is so ****ing busy now and they know why!!!! And since when is my boy a **** head???
Why are you surprised ? What you thought I wouldn't have any friends...???
Yeah why??
Feeling my baby kick and move around in me <3
To be invisible, fly or speed
Ahhh, I wish to not answer this...
Wow... Thanks.
What makes you think that?
Because they are my best friends...and I've been soo busy with everything that I haven't had the time to talk to them...I just miss them all together. I miss the fun times we had and the late night chats. I miss them a lot.
Aaron Dyson and matt Williams..
Umm I can't remember
Mum, dad and matt Don't want to say
At the moment i spend my money on baby stuff
Cause maybe some people don't want to know the *ex and have a surprise ? I know a few people who want it to be a surprise
Some stuff
Inbox me and I'll tell you
Yes I do!!! :D
Trust I guess
Must be you what?
Umm I don't really know..
Umm sure ?
That sounds like alot of fun :)
That's good Not a lot yourself ??
Probably 5 cause I was young and enjoyed life without the pressure of growin up and becoming an adult
Hey I'm good Yourself ???
Don't know
Why does this question Matter? I love Matt...
I'm not playing with his feelings? And I'm not leading him on... I have no intention to hurt aaron...
Well yeah it does matter Who it is...
Who are you? :)
Awwww thankyou so much :) xo
And what makes you think that? And are you calling me a s!ut?
Baby clothes
I just realised....I am not keen...
It just's hard to explain..
No that's not what I I said before it's complicated ok. I do love Matt and I do like being with him. It's just complicated at the moment.