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Ask me anything you like anonymously

6 Replies

What is the worst text that you accidentally sent to the wrong person?

It was to my sister. My brother is name Dan, my friend on facebook posted in a group about a guy named Dan who was a molestor and a bunch of bad stuff. I message dont post on facebook about Dan just call the police. Didn't realise I texted my sister. My sister than calls me and asks me what happened

NinjaCowboyPR66 replied 2539 days ago

What are you sick of trying to explain to people?

About how I can't stand people who are bandwagon fans and fair weather fans in sports

NinjaCowboyPR66 replied 2576 days ago

Who is the most famous person you have met?

Stan Lee, Walter Jones(Zack Black Ranger from the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers), John Cena, Jared Borrgetti, Tanya Tate, Rikishi, Booker T, and Gangrel

NinjaCowboyPR66 replied 2580 days ago

Favorite ninja turtle


NinjaCowboyPR66 replied 2590 days ago

What is your greatest regret ?

Not asking out women

NinjaCowboyPR66 replied 2590 days ago

How many pairs of shoes do you own?


NinjaCowboyPR66 replied 2591 days ago