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fk no
my ex lol
Losing someone so close to me.. And heights
spending it with the people I really care about <3
ive never done anything crazy
Both but I talk to my mum more than my dad but still the same love for both of them
Just a guy with a good personality and doesn't change around their friends.
Obviously no one.
im a sook so i cry
My eyes I guess?
horrible and wanting to hit someone.
a lot of things but mainly when someone doesn't answer my text or in a movie it says "based on a true story" lel
that we are all slaves and basically living to die or idk lol theres a lot of things
I can be rude and i always assume stuff
tbh: you're a gorgeous girl , been here for me but drifted heaps , I understand you try to ho me with things but it's not as easy as it seems to you , thanks for being here for me though I really apperciate it. And a dislike : nothing really except with how you expect me to do things I don't want to do.
i cant remember
nothing tbh besides my sore throat
1-2 kids haha c:
when they dont smile :( i want everyone to smile
i barely talk to people lol
who the fu'ck hasnt?
Invincible - Tonight Alive
Its between mind reading or strength.. but mind reading is kinda stupid because if you could read minds , youd hear voices everywhere and it would be a headache unless you can only think of one persons mind to think of. strength becoz im weak m8
um my boyfriend lol
why the **** do you care
nothing really good happened but yeah im thankful im alive? lol
A lot of fkn things but mainly people , but I'd rather keep the names to myself.
3 months this monday :*
samsung. lmao
Yes i'll be honest haha , a guy though obviously
Damla is gorgeous c: Honestly but we dont talk as much
Been with him since the 9th of March so in 13days it's 3 months
Okay at first I think it was a girl named chloe then it was Gemma c: idk where chloe went but yeah gemma!!!
I don't have an opinion on cars really/
His my boyfriend , No one else sees him as I do because I see him as perfect , always there for me , good kisser ;) he gives good cuddles and his just a sweet boy and really funny and comfortable to be around! I love him :) 2 months haha 3 months very soon
good weaknesses : neck kisses , as* grabs and lip bites , bad ones are just bullying
Backstabbers , Liars , Cheaters , People who talk **** about you , THE LIST GOES ON
I wouldn't leave them for someone -.- what kind of fkn question is this?
Nish , noosh Noosh , Nisha ,Teesh , Tj , and so on but I prefer Nish
Until it's time? How life normally is? xD
myself? ahaha
there is no scale.
dont watch it really tbh
I can't actually remember tbh..
rather not say
A beautiful and nice girl! need to talk more and kb some day I promise! :) such a funny girl as well! :P in all my electives nearly!
Such a beautiful and sweet girl and really nice and good to talk to! Should kickback some day and you're really nice! :)
Anybody in my whole family , my bestfriend or him.
Aww thanks whoever this is :')
Marked ones? idk lol
A lot of people but mainly him
aww thanks <3 :')
yeah we are c: he asked me out on the 9th of this month haha
his good! <3 haha wow anon.
Family, friend and him
Yeah true they are like seriously they keep bringing up what happened or asking if we like the same guy and **** like seriously they should gtfo.
Thanks Gemma , they are really getting on my nerves.
hmm family and friends
I'm over it like seriously it happened like a month ago please just leave me alone!
Ask her yourself , I'm not gemma.
and I care why?
tbh , I have strong feelings for liam still.
Lets just say there is a massive list and pretty much all of it is deep and depressing.
I'm annoying , *****y and very loud
Yes , **** off because im sick of hearing it
There's a list
Oh trust me there is a ****ing list.
Calm down lol
which is what??? honestly I never knew she loved him because she did say she was lesbian last year but it was a phase which is fair enough but she never told me until the last minute really and maybe I wouldn't have hurt her if she had of told me... she's loved him for 3 years apparently and known him longer but it doesn't mean anything because knowing someone longer doesn't mean shiit... it's not a contest on whose known him longer and whose loved him longer... Why argue over him? I'm happy with him and I'm not letting anyone ruin it for me because this is the first time I've actually been really happy and I don't want to be sad I really don't... I've hurt her and she's hurt me as well so we are both even and it's fair honestly... I am not doing this because I hate her , I'm just being honest.
You don't know what's going on so shut your mouth and don't expect that it's all my fault and that I've hurt her very badly... she has hurt me too and if you inboxed me I could maybe explain things -.- Honestly that's what pisses me off is that ( I KNOW THIS SOUNDS HARSH ) but people always assume the innocent ones is the one who is the saddest and they pull the wool over everyone's eyes and make them think it's the other persons fault -.- SHE ISN'T BACK IN THERE -.- SERIOUSLY FUUCK OFF , you don't know what's going on and don't dare to say it's all my fault -.-
Excuse me? No one knows except like 2 people and it's bound to be who I think it is because you seem to know a lot... Honestly man up and one off anonymous because it's stupid to hide behind a computer screen and not reveal yourself... Don't assume tag I'm treating her like **** . Yes I may not seem to care but I do but come on I've got my own problems as well... They say to deal with yoursel first and that's what I'm doing so shut up an piss off please.. Nothing to do with you like seriously go away an don't assume **** because honestly she has hurt me and she knows she has... Ye I may have hurt her more but she's hurt me badly.
I don't have an ex
Just am.. Sick of people making me feel like I'm ****ing stupid and like everything is my ****ing fault like seriously yes I know that SOMETHING is my fault but no need to ask what it is anon because it's none of your business and I am just angry with myself and just people I'm losing is affecting me badly... I'm losing friends slowly over my stupidity and apparently because I'm in a relationship it's causing us to drift... Well don't they want me to be happy? It just doesn't make sense.. If I'm happy apparently it's the worse...
Hahaha haven't had one yet. Probably will be soon though ;)
5 hours
Better body, hopefully get the guy I want... , Make new friends and do better in school and spend more time with family.
shhh <3 you're ammazing
She is pretty ,nice and a good friend should talk morrre and I love her hair
i dont know lel
How's life?
A long shirt and shorts.
tbh: used to talk a lot , gorgeous as , should talk more and should kb cc: idk rhishard? lol
np c:
Tbh: stop being a feggit , amazing eyes and you are just plain awesome with a capital A.
Its like "back the fuuck up"