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Jah dis hkm my hare elke dag so sag is. Jah ek doen skat op my sagte hare te doen vir skool. As jy gewonder het jah ek het. Is jy so geinterseerd in my lewe dat jy so baie vrae het oor my. Kom oorjouself dis ni nodig om so te wees ni as jy n probleem met my het dan kom se dit in my gesig of los my eder uit wnt dis funny hoe jy agter weg kruip??
Eks so excited om jou te sien❤️❤️?????????
Baccoonn buddyyyyy❤️❤️
Uhhmmm 3 girls het na my toe gekom maandag en vir my gese hoe sleg Jenelle my gese het toe ons vriende was en als dis ni n beste vriendin se vat werd ni. Nee dit isi hkm ni wat ever jy weet is glad ni waar ni.
Dink ni dis iets wat ek vir almal wil se ni
Kom ek dink as sy ophou n btch is en 2face is wnt sy sal maak as sy jou vriendin is maar dan sal sy agter jou rug vir jou sleg se en erg so jah as sy al haar sht kan drop dan enige tyd.
Omg??wie ever hierdie is jyt my dag gemaak❤️dm my asb dat ek jou dankieee kan se❤️jys rrg iemand special❤️
Want almal wat my story sover geview het is nice en sali so iets se ni maar toe sien ek jou private account het my story geview toe weet ek dadelik dis jy.
Awwwhhh sooo cutee❤️❤️
Ek sou se ek mis jou ook maar ek weni wie dit is ni Dm my?❤️
No bruh thats were you mistaken
Obviously sy was my beste vriendin maar ni alles hou lank ni
Not in that way we peed on stairs cause we were running away from monkeys??
False alarm im single?
I cant care less. Can you now stop with this sht i dont want my to be full of Jenelle. And I dont need your speech about her were not friends anymore except it like we did x
Me and West were friends before them so why must I when they broke up give up my best friend fck no bruh thats not how it works she got mad when if I was close with other people like no im not down for that sht. I cant care less where she is or whats shes doing I dont feel bad for having West as a best friend
Im not gonna think about it shes the least of my worries now I have other problems in my life. We not friends anymore except it I did she did so stop getting involved in our problems we now far from each other x
Heyyy bestttfraaanddddd❤️❤️
Dm me then
Baie redes
Yeahh I admit I did alot wrong but if you were friends with her like I was you would know why I don't give a fck about her anymore
Eks sooo dankbaar??
Daar is net een wat in my gedagtes is
Awwhhh lief jou ook uShakabuddyy❤️❤️?