Would u leave your girl friend for me?
Lmao I don't have a gf. But who might u b ?
I fukd michaela n I likd it. U mad bro?
I ain't even mad .. If that's an accomplishment for u aaaah .. Congrats , let's see where life takes u after that*
Are Yew glaaad that bbm is workiing now:)? x x *
Lmao yess :)
Me and my friend looking for a gay friend...wanna make a plan for us?
U must be B4K , go make ur own plan.
Yew just love thaaat pwofile piic nah:) x x *
Haha yea I guess so
Weird it's funny that u don't know. How old are u?
How old do u think I am ?
Lol how can't u know? Do u have that many?
Noooo not a lot
What's ur most embarrassing moment?
Hahaha I actually don't know (G)
Do know any gay guys?
I rate I do ... Lmfao weird*
Do you like watching p*rn ?
Would u let a chick blow u?
Boom (;
have u ever farted infront of a girl like really loud?
Lmao I jus did today :)
What's the secret to your abs? :?
Swimming :)
Why you touching your butt in that pic?
Pulling my costume right (; haha
What part of yoUr body do you like thee most ???
Hmmm... this is tough , but I'm not satisfied with my body .. So nothing "yet" haha
hehe this seems lyk fun_ okay lets think_ Have u ever..been rejected by a girl u were insane about?
Good Q. not that I know of haha.. So noo :)
Would you date a black chix?
Depends haha
Who are you dating currently
No one.. Y ?