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Noel Star Phiri


Show me what u got! Bring it on! U think u got what it takes!? Spit it out! Now ask

7 Replies

were u inlove wth dat urgly niggar grl amakonda kukomoka uja..whn u were xul

kachingati kodi wth ths same question....the ansa still remainz no mr

Nkstar1 replied 4828 days ago

whr u 4rm? Marthalicious

Malawi, blantyre, chirimba. Hw bout u?

Nkstar1 replied 4845 days ago 4

Do u have a crush on veronica ngulube?

Maybe, maybe not.

Nkstar1 replied 4846 days ago

is it true dat u drink lyk a fish?

Lmao..... scientifically, thats impossible. Bt if it was, I would be a whale so yes I drink almost like one. This is water we are talking about right :D

Nkstar1 replied 4848 days ago

What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?

Being a flirt. I think its not true.

Nkstar1 replied 4849 days ago 2

Who are you dating currently

My right hand.

Nkstar1 replied 4849 days ago

Describe yourself in 3 words?

Cute, tall, fun.

Nkstar1 replied 4849 days ago