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How's about we change that and catch up?
Awwwww ❤️ SO CUTE ❤️
Well well well come get baby😘
You so fine baby...
Girrrrlll you thiccccccc as hell
Baby, you Thiccccc
Hello my darling cuddles?
Thank you
Thank you i will go give this a listen
Thank you :)
On my side cuddled between pillows! Best position for the best sleep!
Oh wow.... Uhm... I feel like i know whom this is.. I am honestly just horrible on my phone, just give me a shout and i will work better at my responses.
Thank you very much. I support you too.
It is a very nerve racking thing to come out. Just wait until you for sure that you are bi before telling them. When it comes to telling them tell them your bi then crack out some bi puns to break the ice a bit and if you're single you can be like "hey i am bi$exual and i am all bi myself.... 😂
I swing all ways mate 😂 Pan$exuality for the win
Thank you x
Probably will be stuck in lockdown during pride month but i want to add some positivity to my account during pride month
Pubg and Call of duty
Gonubie primary
I'd bring my grandpa who passed away due to lung cancer last year. I'd bring him back so I can tell him i love him and to tell who I really am.
It didn't change it was awkward at first and they couldn't use my name or pronouns until I sat them down and said enough I enough get used to it as I have been out for about 19months
My pronouns are he/his and Him. I prefer being called a he because i am a dude 😂❤️
I do not...
I feel hurt when someone slips as sage especially if they don't quickly change it to Noah. It doesn't anger me it just hurts me as its a painful reminder of the past and the person i had to pretend to be for years. I understand it does take a long time to get the hang of it but its been almost 2 years and i honestly thought people would've gotten the hang of it by now.
May i ask what i am supposed to apologize for? If i knew what was up I'd apologize if it deserves an apology . I wish you had the balls to say this on a different platform where it wasn't anonymous.
Me being trans has never really changed my $exualilty in anyway. I am Pan$exual meaning i do not go for a specific gender. I fall in love regardless of ones gender identity nor race, i fall in love with someone due to a connection and their personality.
Dysphoria plays the role of what makes you trans. I knew from when i met one of my friends who is trans, he inspired me so much and opened my eyes to who i am, i suggest watching a lot of trans youtube videos as those really helped me really gather my thoughts on who i am. Lots of love, and i hope you find yourself ❤️
What makes you feel like this? ❤️ I found myself when i was young, i always knew something wasn't right and i always felt uncomfortable in my skin, the older i got the more i felt uncomfortable and i didn't know what this feeling was until i met a friend of mine who is trans he opened my mind, he made me understand that there are people out there like me. Also dysphoria came into the picture and that is when it hit me. I suggest watching some youtube videos on trans folks thats how i knew for sure that this is who i am.
Tell me something I don’t know ?
You don’t have to tell me ?
1st time it was a mistake second time was by choice
Stay loyal
Be true to yourself , don't let those people get you down because they aren't you , they just don't understand your ways because your unique they'll never understand so don't let their words get you down...
Well I could help those less fortunate and still have some to spend on school ....