Have you ever been friendzoned?
Say what clas* ur crush in please!
One of the six
Who asked who out?
Im not sure but I think it was Matthew asked Zoe out. Not sure
Are any of the yr 6 girls in ur clas* going out with anyone and if so who
Ooh, tough one, I know only of one! Zoe H, Matthew Y! It only happened recently
Like who do you know?
Anakin, Geordie, Andre L, Mitch Hall, Ben Marron and some others I can't think off the top of my head
Why do all the girls u hang out with not like you?
I don't know I guess but uh if they don't like me, I'm cool with that!
Who do u know that is going to Brighton sec next year
Lots of people
I like chips 586696
Good for you me too
Do you think emily w and zoe h like you [be honest{
No and I know it's you
Do u like Emily w and Zoe h? Would u ever go out with them
Do u know anyone that is going to Brighton secondary next year
Are going out with anyone?
No are you going out with anyone?
Do you like emily Dic*ison?
Yes as a friend!!
Who else u said 6
Lets drop the conversation
Who else told u?
Henry after i knew
Please say who told u she would want to know
James Mitchell
No she didn't
Yeah I was told loads of times by 6 people
And please say she would probably like to know u know
Uh I don't understand u
She didn't like you the whole year
Well the whole year I was at HPS
Who told u that she liked u
Do I have to say?
What do you mean Schyler I knew what was going on
I knew Schyler liked me all year I was told
Who is your best friend at hps who is a girl?
Uh Emily D or Amelia
Don't let the haters stop you from doing your thang Zoetitmus_
Thanks Zoe
Which year 7 girl that was in your clas* last year did you talk to most?
Schyler I knew what was going on
Favourite yr 7 girl that was in your clas* last year?
Don't know ah… they're all so equal.
Fav yr 7 boy that was in ur clas* last year?
So hard to choose… um James Mitchell or Henry Mclorinan
Thoughts on the year 7 girls that were in your clas* last year?
You know they were cool…
What stick went up your arse for you to be so rude?
I didn't think people thought of me like that
People are just asking questions you don't need to be a little shi* to them. Most of them are your friends you could at least be polite
Sorry, Brighton Sec
What high school r u going too
What's it to you
Do u condsder urslef popular
Not really emmencly popular but relitively
Holy shi* when were you going out with em!!!
Stay out of my personal life
Who are you going out with
Emily Dic*inson
Who do u like?
The person I'm going out with!