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Ask me anything you like anonymously

5 Replies

Ons prti mee ni

Ek weet nie wie is jy?
So ek kan nie rerig se ons praat min

NolanRothner02 replied 2164 days ago

Hoekom slaan jy jouself oop

Hoekom vra jy my nie self???

NolanRothner02 replied 2275 days ago

And would you want to try to help him ?

You don't leave him alone ?

NolanRothner02 replied 2280 days ago

Yeah maybe or do you think maybe he is just really embarrassed about being extremely extremely ticklish?

Ok what the hell is you problem with ticklish people let him be ??

NolanRothner02 replied 2280 days ago

What do you think you would do if you overheard a close friends 11 year old brother pretending to his friends that he isn’t really ticklish even tho you know he is actually extremely extremely ticklish? And why?

Hes afraid of getting tickled i guess ?

NolanRothner02 replied 2280 days ago