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Oooooo Boyde. Is that how you spell it? He's just so mysterious and his voice is kinda hot. Or that new Maori guy living with Rachel and Chris. Forgot his name. He's a bit of a cutie.
Oh it is swell.
Haha good question. Not much apparently. He doesn't want to start something that's just going to end when we leave. Maybe you should ask him? Haha
Heaps of fashionistas in this town. I like Tracy's style and Suzie and those girls are gorgeous. Umm who else. Kers and Josefien have great style. Oh there's so many. Alice L etc. :)
I watch Bear every night and imagine him building me a tiny hut for us to share. I adore the child that gave me such a thoughtful gift and think we should go to our favourite indie cafe again.
I have a bi weekly anniversary where I lay a tiny wreath to show my appreciation and sorrow. And you are most welcome to join me.
And you\'re a b*m bag. And you have bad hair.
Hahaha. Umm honestly, no. Sorry.
What can I say. haha
Yeah, I think I just have this intrest in the world and I hate injustice, so my opinions are strong, but I can absolutely take time to understand how other people see things. I do research things though. :)
Hmm. I think it depends on the cir***stance. It\'s extremely personal and I cannot comprehend how hard a decision like that must be to make. From a biblical stanpoint, I\'d rather a parent considered adoption if it just comes down to them not wanting a baby. But that\'s over simplified.
Hats off to you anon. That's a good question. Talk to me in person and I shall tell you. :)
Hmm I don't know. Maybe. I haven't noticed that. as*et sales were not popular but he stuck to it.
Why do you do this to me? Ok well Evie, Alice, Josefien, Stacey, Amy, Nicole, Lara C, Lara S, Anna, Tracy, Melanie, Renee, Marcus, Rosie, Calla, Jo and Jono. More than 10 but who cares. Who am I kidding. I don't have friends. These names are all made up.
Fav? Who is this? Haha. Ok. They are all pretty bad BUT... Drama, Stats, Bio, English. Drama will be a bit of a fail.
A lot. My brother is getting married on Saturady to a beautiful girl. Also I have exams, my Youth Choir audition, a few concerts and a lot of sleeping to do after a rather busy year.
You are a lovely child Harrieto. :) x
Previously answered young one. But ask in person and ye shall recieve.
Don't get me started girlfriend. Ok do, cos I love this. So Mitt or Obama? Don't hate me, but Mitt. Why? Because he is a religious man with morals and is willing to stand up against things that are happening in the Middle East. Obama promised things last time round that he didn't fulfil. Mitt wants to cut ties in the Middle East. Obama wants what makes him popular. It seems to me that Obama is a more, 'do what makes you happy' guy. Where does that end? Mitt has firm beliefs, even though he's Mormon, he draws a line. Ask me in person and I shall go into detail. haha
Jojo my mojo you rock my world and I love you. One sentecnce: Joanna you are sunshine and smiles and your face is the light in my life and I miss you and I think you are a beautiful person inside and out who makes my day. <3 Pretty decent sentence isn't it. :)
More of a statement then a question there, but yes I do. I like living in this country because we are really looked after by the Government and have the opportunity to speak our minds and make our own political decisions.
Haha naw that's kind of you. Thanks!
Twister with Delmonte, teaching people the art of ghosting, that Year 13 as*embly where everyone got pissed off about the common room, getting HG and probably the last day. I don't know. There are heaps of others.
What a fine question. Well I agree with partial as*et sales. I think New Zealand needs more income and the government are facing a lot of debt at the moment. I also think that we voted in National, knowing full well as*et sales were going to happen, yet people are now complaining about the people they voted for, doing what they said they would. I also agree with the new law about young people on a different pay scheme facing trail work periods. That's encouraging employers to try hiring more young people without having to commit.
In what country? Well in NZ I'm a John Key fan all the way. As soon as he shook my hand, I knew it was meant to be. And he looks great in a suit. But seriously, I agree with National policy mostly.
Tolberone is pretty good. Or black forest. Yeah that stuff is like drugs.
Thank you. That really does mean a lot. :)
Well it depends how good they are. I believe there is a rule that says synchronised swimmers MUST copy each other at all times. So therefore, naturally, if one drowns, to be a good team, they others must also. It's a dangerous sport.
Succeeded in failing.
Oh I can be. But in response to what?
Top question. Well unfortunately, I'm going to let you down on this one and answer truthfully. The school don't tell me ANYTHING. I have no idea who's shot listed or even who they are considering. It could truly be anybody. I honestly don't know that year group well enough to comment. Also, there are girls who may not appear the most likely candidates but who could a fantastic job so I'm going to leave the decision to Kazza and Chambo. I'm sure whoever it is will rise to the challenge.
Hmm. Nicole Williams. We've known each other since the early days of primary school. Poor child. She's seen my most awkward phases. <3
Most certainly.
Why do you hurt me in this way? Exercise is evil. I guess you could burn calories binge eating? That would be mine.
I guess Charlie has a cute nicknamey ring to it so it's used in a friendly way. Actually now I think about it, I've never heard that Charlie is short for Charles.
So do I babe. So do I.
This question will keep me awake at night. I'm as*uming because cheese is a inanimate object it would stay silent.
Another great question, which I knew would be asked. Well we spent quite a bit of time together in the holidays and things were all good, but just before the term started he said he didn't want a relationship - I respect that. We're both going different places and I guess he didn't want to complicate our friendship.
Hmmmmmm that is actually such a hard one. Nah, JK it's Evie Templeton. Although if you were to ask me who my best GUY friend was, it would be Marcus Collins.
I think it's the glas*es that do it. Kinda a hot yet serious look. Gets ALL the boys.
This is a great question... I think every HG has their own strengths/weaknesses and I don't really know the others well enough to comment. I have a lot of respect for anyone who takes on the role. :)