Would ye rather mail Emily again for a month er win a shed?
Win a shed would never go back lol
Mail Emily againnnn use were adorable together
Hahahaha No.
How long did u mail Meabh for? Not poppin up day on es x
Idk a few days. Pop up in insta if you want
Do u mail Meabh Maguire?????
No I used to. Pu
Ur gay
Pu en tough guy ? ? ? ?
Ur big gay and u cant say yesn't u back
That's lovely English. Pu
Y did u drop Emily lol
Cuz I didn't like her lol
I sound like it OK I'm not actually ?
U scam wee kiddies on save the world
Only one ahahah
Chicken nuggets are made of pork
No they're made of chicken strips
Emery is deppppressedddd over uuuuuuuu
Pu ennnnnnnnnn
Bob Marley's ma dea
Congratulations ahaha
Idk what that is ahahaha
Hink yer hard sayin ‘at’ will bate ye liek mate
Pu then ahahaha
Why do you have no balls
Won't even reply to at ahahaha
y Did you break up with Emily!!! She’s acc the sweetest person on earth!!!
I wasn't into it. And she went with someone like an hour after I dropped her sure
How tall u bro? U look leik 7 feet or somefin
Ano im like 5'10 XD. Like tallest in my class or som lol. Pu
Yea I wasn't into it. Pu and we can talk bout it
Why do you fail all your exams
I don't. I've passed most recent with all A's BEN
A meet is we’re you kiss somebody for more than 5 seconds not were you see them unreal life,Emily is ugly af and so are you.
Pu then big man ? ?
Fact: Oran is really good at catching ice thrown at him by five year olds acting hard
Ano sure
I’m gonna kill your cousin Luke he’s a *****
Sure ahahahaha
Your older cousin is a *****
Which one aha
Delete this website, you’re gonna get bullied
Why ahaha. Pop uo
Delete this website
Why ahaha. Pop up
Y do u have a girlfriend??????
Cuz I have a social life L. Pu
Y do u not trust the school toilets? Do u pee pee your pants instead?
Na they're just too dirty ahaha. Pu
Why’s that guy saying I smell good? You smell like pure shte
Cheers mate ahaha sure u do too ahaha haha. Pu
Saw u go into the toilets with ur wee mate 2day, are u boyfriends?
I don't trust the school toilets must have been someone else mate ahaha. Pu
Y are u goin wif Emily?? GO wif me instead !!!!
Who r u??? ?. Pu
I saw u school today, you looked nice, smelt really good haha
Cheers mate aha. Pop up
R u going to school tomorrow?? I like sitting close to u so I can smell u lol
Rite then cheers aha. Pu
Jake likes ur girl
Ano but she hates him ahaha. Pu
Can u post a video of u doing ur Donald Duck impression? PLEASE
OK aha
Can u post a video of u doing ur Donald Duck impression? PLEASE
OK aha
Is Emily a good girlfriend?
Wut do u think of Mickey mouse
Idk but pretty fond of Donald Duck. Can do an impression and all ahaha. Pu
Have u ever slapped your parents
No wtf ?. Pu
Do you have a girl? If yes what is her name? Have to answer on here not pu
Aha OK. Yes and Emily McArthur
Last thing u cried about?
I don't t cry a lot but.... Prob when som1 near broke mt knee cap aha. Pop up
Favourite horror movie??
First IT
Can I go wif ur cousin
Pop up and we'll talk aha
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Master Skywalker there are too many
What are we going to do?
I think I know who this may be ahaha. Pop up tho ?
I saw you n ur gurl the other day, she’s punchin lolol
K then aha. Pop up
What are you sick of trying to explain to people?
How I chose my YouTube channel name
You did say your brother was 3 in an answer on this website you dummy
Pop up ?
Y do u not care about the political state in Syria?? R u stupid???
I don't watch da news ?. Pop up
What’s one of ur weird habits? Not popping up
Ahaha OK... I speak duck a lot to the hatred of my friends ahaha
Wut does pop up mean? Do u want someone to pop a cucumber up your b*m hole?
No It means show who u r
Your brother isn’t 3 you liar
Pop up and Ik that I don't think I've ever said that
What is your stance on the current tension between Jewish and Muslim people?
Um.. Idk...
have you ever kissed a boy b4?
No not gay ahaha. Pop up
I’m serious if you break my best friends heart. I will split ur head open!!!! Sorry I’m very protective of her
Um.. OK.. Who r u?
R u a fridget?
Say only if Pop up aha
Two many subway cookies= diabeetus
Also obesity aha. Pop up
Y r people asking about gay people, are u gay Oran???
Ahaha no.... Pop up
Do u think it’s ok 2 be gay??
Idk. Pop up
Also wut do u think about gay people
Nothing wrong with it u guess aha. Pop up
I saw you in school today, I wanted to say hello but I didn’t because I’m ugly
Ahaha Pop up ?
What is your favourite colour
Orange aha
Who is the ugliest girl in your class
I'm in an all boys school aha pop up
Would meet u again any day xx
Thx xx
What shampoo do you use? I smelt you in school today, n u smelt like grapefruit and orange squash
Is it a surprise I use grapefruit and orange shampoo? Ahahaha pop ?
Ahaha. Pop up ♥
What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done
Idk there's alot aha. Pop up
Do u hav a girlfriend now????
Pop up and I'll anwser aha
Are you a fridget yes or no answer
Why ahaha. Pop up and I'll anwser (Won't put on story)
Did u meet someone called Emily mcarthur
Can you wash the dishes in your sink
Yes but I'm the only one who does. Pop up
Have you met anyone?
Did you finger someone on Saturday?
I saw u in class today, u are smarter than me
Thx aha pop up
What are you dressing up as 4 Halloween ?? X
Idk think last year was my last. Pop up
When are you gonna eat that spaghetti in your fridge?
Idk I think it's old tho
Rlly funny nice quite popular
Thx ♥ pop up x
Do you like Logan Paul?
Idk pop up
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
my stomach is too full,
and I need to go sht
Pop up aha
Make more live videos xx
Know who this is ahaha
U are bad at Fortnite
Nat rlly ahaha
I smelt you in class today, you smelt like elderflower and rosemary lol x
Cheers ahaha
How ginger is your cousin
Not at all..
I’ll beat you up in school, you can’t fight
Go ahead ahahah
Be more specific you stupid little prick
Aha ur the one that wants to know ?
What you doin today
Alot of things
What you doing tomorrow
School aha
That's up to u to decide
It's easy ahah
OK... Well if its u Conor just say I won't tell her like
Idc u know who I am ahah
Rlly don't aha
Not saying
Well she wants to know....
I'm not saying but I'm already goin that reveals it ahah
U know who I am I'm goin going on sunday???
Luke? Kelly-Ann? Ahaha