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Oshen Blair


You know what to do! Fill up that box... With the question you want to be answered.

697 Replies

yet you make up stories to people you don't know after a night out to get attention it's really pathetic and I hope one day you do get a taste of what you're talking about

I don't want attention you simples minded twat. Hence why I don't go out anymore, hence why I don't talk to anyone anymore. I'm living my life now and I'm quite happy and content knowing that mutt is out of it. I never wanted attention from that night, I merely wanted people to be aware of what he is capable of because he is a nasty nasty person with no sense of humanity. You need to grow up and inbox me on Facebook about this sht instead of doing it anonymously, that goes to show how pathetic you are.

OshenRaine replied 3298 days ago

it's a bit far fetched to be telling Random ****s you don't even know stories like that, it sounds a bit like you just like the attention? there are real girls being abused every day, doing anything they can to live a violent free life

What random ****s have I told because last time I checked I've only told people who are close to me about the incidents that went down with that filth. He knows what he did and he is fully aware. You're telling me I ended up with the amount of bruises and what not just from falling over did I? Hence why I have photos of everything that happened.

OshenRaine replied 3298 days ago

why do you tell people that your ex threw you from a moving car and would tell you to kill yourself on a daily basis, yet you still stayed.... and that he bought you chocolates for your b'day and ate them himself in front of you...?

Obviously you have no idea what you're talking about and you're just trying to start trouble. Why even mention my ex when I'm in a healthy and happy relationship with someone who wouldn't even consider doing those things to me let alone another human. And it was actually a packet of cookies. So get your facts right.

OshenRaine replied 3298 days ago

Why do you have that scar ?

Which one? HAHAHAHA

OshenRaine replied 3343 days ago

What do you mean nice arms like big/muscular?

Nah not necessarily, just nice shaping to them.

OshenRaine replied 3343 days ago


Turn on in a guy: nice smile, smells good and arms. I'm obsessed with arms. A guy has to have nice arms.
And $exually: lip biting and hair pulling

OshenRaine replied 3344 days ago

biggest turn on for you ?

As in what I like in a guy or what gets me $exual?

OshenRaine replied 3344 days ago

Tegan Adams you filthy ****. You're 18, when the hell will you grow up? Writing anonymous messages trying to act like a tough btch? Grow some balls and message oshen personally. You deserve the flogging. Mature up you're amusing us all with your patheticness!

fck I love you

OshenRaine replied 3351 days ago

You have abused me, and you don't even fcking know me either but you thought it was okay to butt into my business with someone else?

I think I know exactly who this is, and the reason why I "abused" you is because you're a nasty fcking little btch who doesn't know what's right and wrong. Grow up and stop doing this anonymously love. Message me on Facebook if you wanna try and have a crack at me about sht that you started and I was merely finishing it and defending a friend. Lol

OshenRaine replied 3351 days ago

I just want to ram your poop shoot hard

Gud 4 u

OshenRaine replied 3353 days ago

Your reasons for abusing some people are fcking stupid, pull your head out of everyone's asses and mind your own business and let them fight their own battles.

Why does this have anything to do with you? Have I abused you? Most likely not, so take your own advice and let people defend their own battles

OshenRaine replied 3353 days ago

Do I need to name the people you've abused just because you've abused so many that you can't remember? You need the sht beaten out of you

I can name everyone I've gotten in a fight with, and I can name the reasons as to why I got in a fight with them. So pull your head out of your A$$ when you obviously know nothing.

OshenRaine replied 3356 days ago

Let your friends defend themselves? It's none of your business and tbh your friend probably isn't even telling you the full story so you look like a fucccckkkwit when you go abusing people.

Who have I apparently abused bro?

OshenRaine replied 3356 days ago

"Am I now?" You always have been? You start fights with literally anything that moves. You're an absolute skitzo, a full blown pyscho.

Really because I fcking defend myself? I don't try to start fights with anyone. I'm either defending myself or my friends.

OshenRaine replied 3356 days ago

You don't even know who I am, or what I do. For all you know I could be right beside you, the world's twisted my boy Aidan, maybe I'm one of ya close mates spitting insane mixtapes holla

Just stop

OshenRaine replied 3356 days ago