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Ask me **** :)

1.1k Replies

What do you miss about your childhood?

Te greasy hair cut

Oskar.Fleischer replied 3416 days ago

Thoughts on madi Tricarico :)

She's going to be my best friend next year, good to be around but seems kinda shy

Oskar.Fleischer replied 3422 days ago

Thoughts on bre hamilton

Scary as but she's nice and fun to talk to in class, she's great

Oskar.Fleischer replied 3422 days ago

Who's the monna boyz

Jarrod, nick, jake, Nathan, will and callum

Oskar.Fleischer replied 3422 days ago

Who are ya best mates

Monna boyz, lilydale cozas and the heat pack

Oskar.Fleischer replied 3424 days ago

What is your biggest fear?

A dad that has good jokes

Oskar.Fleischer replied 3424 days ago



Oskar.Fleischer replied 3461 days ago

Thoughts on the boys you hang out with

Bunch of legends

Oskar.Fleischer replied 3478 days ago 1

List people with a good as*

There is just that many I can't

Oskar.Fleischer replied 3485 days ago

we used to be best mates
this s*cks willy


Oskar.Fleischer replied 3485 days ago

Hey, you are an absolutely amazing person inside and out! Your personality is one of a kind and you are very attractive. Don't let anyone think any less of you and if they do it is their loss.

Naw I feel like a chick, thanksssss

Oskar.Fleischer replied 3485 days ago

thoughts on holly williams

Nice, tall girl and yeah cool

Oskar.Fleischer replied 3485 days ago

Wha is diameter of your an*** cavity

Ha tricky one fella

Oskar.Fleischer replied 3485 days ago

best mate that you don't talk to anymore?

Caellam Smith and Craig theakstone

Oskar.Fleischer replied 3485 days ago

who even are you

Don't tell anymore, I'm the muffin man

Oskar.Fleischer replied 3485 days ago