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Yea its true (\'\',) im an ***hole as well i jus dnt knw when im being one*shrugs*
Another question 4rm nicole ('',)..uzilemba mu chichewa mayb dat wud
Haha nicole chalira :) and yeah u owes
Hahahaha..these \"****ing\" question any funny u knw..anyway im a virgn....lmfao
Ehem guwd and him still towk and he's still 1 o ma close hommies..
Dunno realy buh its bou *ex..wana try? ;) hehe
Heart broken? Hmm*thnkn* thnk i have..sum girl 4rm Lz..she still wants me tho*shrugs* hehe
Yea...lyk 2 gurlz d last tym dat hpnd was in 2006..tis bin a span i knw ('',)
Repeat d question again? Dis must b *snaps finger*
Am hard..i mean am ALWAYS hard..u can imagine('',)
Depends..if she gat a nyc 'bottom' i do..d same applies to d top('',)
Thnk i wet it 1st-lubricatin u
I dnt knw realy..Thnk i do both ('',)
Crush? Hmmm..leme say im single buh im havin a thing wit a certain miss..when d ryt 1 comes along ama cuff dat know wat am sayen?('',)
Hehe mayb i "miss" u 2 miss anonymous ....if its a female dat iz :P...ama hala k ('',)
Hahaha look whos talkin....
American height u dwarf :P
R u dat bored?
Who's manny? ....Next
Go ask ur dad dat bull
Ermmm she's...i dnt knw ..:)
Haha i still ****d ur mama..ges skinny nygas r attractive :)
Honestly its.... ME..if u cnt inspire urself then its gon be hard 4 sumbdy to inspire u..
Haha wats wit diz lame as* questions? Kukhuta eti
Haha stupid question realy...**** u 4 dat :)
Hahaha well......who duzn?