Bontle Makhathini
usually im nt easily impressed ,bt u pretty , justice855
taNx justice
How soon is soon enuf??
ahh jSt cheq Ma proFyL
Who aRe you datin?
uL fiNd owT s0on eNuf
the 1st time you had *ex...did you feel regret or happy that you got it done and over with?
iF you wer a guy, wch gal or celebrity would u tap?
loL hoLd uP. . . . .1stLy iiWud Lahk tAh hAv 10min oF Meagan Goods Lipz!! Eish Nd dA ceLebritY LadZy iiWUd TaP iZ Big b**ty Judy fRm A.T.L eiSh #LickinLipz
@kaykay[soul buddy] = has kay kay evuur told yuu that she lovez yuu?
ncaaaw dAtz mA souL buDDy iNdeed nd Yea shE hAz tLd me dAt aLota tYmz. . . .
&& iiLove her m0re
Wat colour is ur 0-o ?
wahZ 0-o?
is it true that ur 15 years old?
loL iM tUrNin 15 oNda 26 oF Dec
do u thnk u are butiful?
You datng anyone?
And whu?
Yep. . . .Y do u waNa kNw da pErs0nz nAme?
How old are you?lark really now.
loL whY yuu waNa knw?
Nytie pabi#blowing kisses
so if u got a bf why does ur relationshp status say u single?
duZ it mAttR?
u got killa eyes
ncaaw taNx
who do u thnk u are?
Bontle Makhathini
Y havnt u been ansarin my qtions?
cOz iiJst dNt waNa
tell ur bf to lock u up cos i myt jst steal u away frm hm. . .nd trust me, im gona take ur breath away ;)
hmmm. . . .^^,] wiLL do
wat would u do if ur bf would dump u?
move 0n
would u do a chiskop?
dnt u wish u wer ugly cos maybe boys want/ask u owt bcos u hot
. . . .loL uR qti0n hUrTz yuU kNw. . .c0z iTz truE bUh iiDnt wiSh iiWaz ugLy
what turns u on in a guy?
hZ vOiCe! EisH hE hAz tA hAv a *exxi deeP voiCe
hai wena why dnt u want to tel us who ur bf iz
ahh u kNw waH, Let mE jSt teLL u, hz nAme iz.........waIt a min Let mE aNsa dIs caLL!
U rock bontle *role model*
ncaaw iiLove u
Da dark guy 4rm ur skwl?
n0o tjo
U seem 2 b pretty close with noli, nd phili but noli is da closest neh?
nAh nT reaLLy ey. . .mE nd Noli aiNt cLose aNim0r
So y nt plan d whole thng,nd meet during da holidays
eiSh iL c
Wuldnt u lyk 2 meet ur old skwl m8ts again
iiWanA ho0k uP wii'Em ey
Is t true dat uv d8d neo b4
wCh Neo?
R u going 2 skwl?? Coz i rememba da lst tym u said u h8 skwl
yeA im gNg
Has ur bf seen ur private part
wait iL tel u iN a min
Hv u eva slept wit ur clasm8 or skwlm8?
iMagiNe! HeLL n0o!
Besides ur ma huz ur ada bf
iiDnt have ey. . .gawt awnLee cLose fwNds
Do u eva feel jealous wen ur vrnd is lukn hottier dan u
loL nAh. . .
If da ansa is 'yes' hes lucky,
loL ok
Has ur bf seen ur cake
tjo my 'cake'? Lol mA birThdAy iz aWn dA 26 oF dec sO nah
wats deh 1 thing ur bf dnt knw abwt in ur body?
loL uhmm dNt kNw
loL iM nT gUd iN zuLu ey bUh ngi'yAb0ngA :) Nd yeBo mY bf iz h0t. . .iiDnt kNw Bwt hr bF th0u Lmao kwa
do u lyk romantic guys?
yEp bUh r0mantic iZ boRin sumtYmz
whos ur bestfrnd?
my maDa
Lmao iv been gng thru ur qtion tjo things they ask u though hai
eIsh teLL me Bwt it
Hav u eva bin involved in a *exual intercourse
tjo tjo tjo jSt scRoLL dwN awN dA'z uLL get ur aNsa
Y dnt u answer this question truely???R u a virgin or not?
wAit Let mE cheCk :)(:
would u date an HIV/AIDS guy?
sUm qti0nz th0u!! #smh
Wuld u mind if sum1 waz downloadin ur pic ko facebook?
yEs iiMind!!!!
So this means u've been tappd b4.
loL yEa ofCoz eSpcLy wEn mA FwnDs dO gUd. . . .iM fAheVa taPPin thEir baCkz :)
wen hvn *ex,hv u eva imagine 2 sum1 else,whl ur bf dng u?!
Lol nAh
Cute duznt define hw u luk , u HOT ey pabs bayakufela lezinja :buhle bee buthelezi*_*
ncaaaaw taNx Buhle, mY bitSo i Love u
Oral *ex do u prefer givn or recievn it#js curious nd who is da worst guy u hv slp wit ?
Lmao n0n. . . .Lmao y aX suCh th0u? WatiF iM a viRgin?
''R30 airtym each digit ?''.. U aint dat cute
dd iiSay iM cute? Lol dNt gEt it twiStd bbe infCt yuu rYt iiAint cute at aLL
cn i have ur mxit contax
R30 aiRtym eaCh digit (G)
do u eva imagine ur bf dng the number2 lol
loL tjo thAngz ur PeePow aX. . . .Nah iidNt tjo
Gurl, u way tew pweddy
taNx bbe
How did u upload ur pic 2 qoohme.
who would u do for mahala, free of charge
hAi wEna. . .u tHnK iM a mAg0shA. . . . .haI dNt *** nd aX me nyoLz heRe!!
are u a virgin
yEs. . . . .n0o. . . . .eiSh #sCratchN.heAd. . . . .iiDnt kNw
so what do u hate abt boys? Cos i want to date u nd i dnt want to do mistakes if i get a chance to date u
Lies!!! BOys Nd theiR Lies #smh
rnthEy Lie bwt er\'thAng Nd aNy\'thaNg the wAy thEy aLwaYs Lie, thEy dNt eveN n0ticE wEn thEy Lyin nD thEy aRe Fo0Lz c0z thEy thNk us gaLz faLL fAh thEir Liez wEn we jSt pLayin aLonG. . . .oh u Cnt daTe mE. . .*** bCk nXt tym
would u eva mack 0n a guy?
nAh ey. . .h0nestly iidNt knw hw gaLz wu maCk awn guYs dO it, theY bravE tjo
iiMack 0n gaLz th0u :P
bontle wen are u gettin a bb hai ive been waiting 4 too long nw
reaLLy? Lol Nd u nT dAh awnLee 1 yUu kNw. . .loL weLL iiDnt kNw
so why wudnt u have *ex at a pardy or in the car u should try it
iiGawt 2mCh rEspCt fAh ma b0dY. . .iiAint sum kiNd oF ho0chiE nd No taNx iiDnt trY suCh thaNgz
the gal who said your weave duznt suit u is lying shes jelus cos shes scared you that u gona take hr bf phela hot
loL taNx
tell us whos ur bf
oK iLL teLL yuu iN a min
wat would u do if u cot ur bf having *ex wit ur frnd
loL y0h smack da heLL owtA em tiLL im satisFyd nd teL em tA enJoy da *ex thN Leave nxa
Lol "biish"? Well ever heard of the saying "it takes 1 to know 1"? Oh **** i'm loving this!;)
loL yEa iiKnw. . .Lahk yUu tawkiN tAh thee QueeN oF biiSh's ^^,]
then tell me hs name
teL yuu wh0z nAme?
Hahahahaha did you pull a muscle while you were cursing me?kwaaaaaaaaa #dead on the floor, askies shame
biiSh iiAint gAwt tyM tAh eNtertAin a biiSh Lahk yuu
Gurl, thang is ii donow im ready tah inbox yuu seeing as how ii know yuu and yuu know me, awso Im kinda dating a friend of yours so thangz would be a bit awkward between us...buh on the reals tho, ii got a major lesbian crush on yuu.
-love yuu Pahbie-
. . . .iiReaLLy waNa kNw wu dIs iZ,,,,,buh iTz 5n iF yuu nawt ready tAh inbOx th0u mwah
This is no question but anyway you are pretty very pretty for that matter but that thing on your head is just ruining your image please get rid of it A.S.A.P!!!
**** yUu nXa!
but u seem lyk the kinda gal that would cheat on hm
reaLLy? Thn whY aiNt iiCheatin awN hm Nw?
would u cheat on ur bf cos i lyk u
nAh unLess iF hE giVez me a rEas0n tAh dO so nD hE haZnt yet so u waStin ur tYm bY LykiN me
would u have *ex at a pardy or in the car?
**** n0!!!
rniiGawt 2mCh reSpCt fAh mA b0dy. . .
Is u nd thando dating zuks?
iZ me nD thaNdo datIn zuKz?
Hai iiAint dAtin Zukz. . .hZ mA fwNd
nD aZ fAh hm Nd Thndo. . .iiDnt kNw. .beSt yuu aX hr oR hm
The way yuu so hawt. II would seriously turn lesbian/bi*exual fah yuu
wo0o^^,] huNey iM stRtin tAh LahK yuu aLrdy nD iV beeN Lo0kiN fAh a gF so hit mE wii'A iNboX bbE. . . .we cN maKe thaNgz haPPen :P
I lyk u bt u seem 2be al over hey,smh
loL. . . .nAh iiLove sociaLysN haO
yoh Bontle da guys u date are jst hot espcly Tumelo yoh yoh yoh that nikka be fyn. . . .i heard that u got back wit hm is that true
ja i kNw hZ hoT
wat would u do if u found owt that ur fwnd is datin ur bf behynd ur bck?
loL uhmm i wUd duMp mA bF bUh mA fWnd wiLL stiL bE mAh fwNd. . . .bUh dAt wUd hIt mE hArd eY, mA reLati0nshP wii'Me nD mA fWnD wouLd pRobabLy kiNda chaNge
I want 2 be part of SSB, hw can i join?
loL who sAid we Lo0kin fAh nEw membRz *roLLin.Eyez*
yoh Bontle your lipz, ur eyes
****! I jst want to have a strng, passionate, lng nd *exy kiss wit u thn after u mst look at me wit those *exy eyes of urs
Pabie man, hw duz a persn get 2 b part of SSB? Ke kopa an honest ansa
beautifuL nD cwAzii. . . .wHy?
u so young bt have so much drama shame i feel 4 u
eIsh brA teLL mE bwt it. . . .itZ sAd, thRz jSt aLota stuFF gNg aWn in mA Lyf rYt nw
what u dng dis weekend nd nxt weekend on the 1st?
nthN :(
wat dd u do today?
weRnt tA skwL, cAme bCk h0me, t0ok a nAp, to0k piX, kEpt uP wii'Ma s0ciaL nEtw0rKiN Lyf, watChd tv Nd aTe
hw mani guys have u dated frm facebook. .name thm
4. . .y msTii?
for sum reason i feel lyk beatin u up u *****
loL iL bE waItiN
define ur ideal guy
iiWud bUh mA ideaL gUy iZ jSt to0 perfCt. . .i dNt thNk mA ideaL guY eXisTz
sO definiNg hM wUd jSt bE a waSte awF tym
The things people ask you my god.. whoo #cantdeal!!lmao thaandoh
loL w0o0o mA fWnd teLL mE bWt it. . . .loL iM dNg sumthaNg ryt dAtz whY thEy hatiN
iF a veri hot guy would ask u out, would u dump your current bf? If nt why?
y wUd iiDumP hM iF iiCn dAte Em b0th. . . .loL. .jSt j0kIn
i wudNt duMp hM ey. . . . .iF i dO, wCh meaNz dA reLati0nsHp wAznT reaL nD iF dA 'hOt gUy' reaLLy LykZ me, hE wiLL wAit tiLL m sIngLe
[az iF he wiLL]*rollingeyez* . . .
do u thnk ur bf loves u?
y wUd iiBe wii'Hm?
How duz sum1 get 2 be part of squad?
[0_o] Lmao iM nAwt iN sQuaD
IiLove uu so mCh pHaBi_bOnTlE mmmmmbbbbbaa lahv uu girla Refilwe.fifi
ncaaaaw FiFi iiLove yUu t0o eY. . .mWaaaah!!!!
I c u are friends with cebo twala on fb...she is one fine lady dnt u think?
w0o0o daMn shEz beYond it. . . . .loL i wUd LahK tA daTe hr 0nE dAy haha #hides
Do u watch p*rn?
**** n0o!!!!!
rnI maKe p*rn
Yeah u ryt, Mr West b the best... So what would turn you off enough 2 wanna not tap anymore? Smelly arm pits? Smelly Breath? feet?
loL. . .oL oF da aboVe
Would u d8 an albino?
yoH. . .nAh ey
Jwanong if u had a SMELLY friend staying with u, or hanging out with u.. Would u tell him or her? or just let them be smelly?
yoH i dNt kNw. . .it depEndz