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I don't actually know haha
Don't even get me started
A have different ones for different people, so I have many ringtones
Yeah, just some QT 3.14 ☺️
A lot of things
When a sl*t calls someone else a sl*t and doesn't think they themselves are one... It's like, da **** *****!
Sassy quote: What are you talkin about?
Thank you very much! :3
I'm not sure, there are too many to choose from... but I guess it would be really cool if I could daydream something into existance or change what happenes by imagining it to go differently. That way i could start a zombie apocalypse and end it just by imagining it happenening. Or i could have a dragon as a buddy! :D
I have a huge variety of secret talents that I like to keep to myself that people may find out about in the future but for now I'll just say Art in general :)
I don't know! :)
Really nice girl and she needs to keep at her drawing so she can get even better at it!
I love a guy who has gorgeous eyes, I absolutely love eyes, they fab! But, Hahaha, mostly I like a guy who has a really nice Butt (See why I laughed after 'But' now?) If he has both then that guy has a big chance with me!
Thankx but no thankx. It's cold, Just sayin' You should rug up when it's cold or be prepared to catch a cold!
Thank you, but I choose to cover my body because it looks nicer when a girl actually covers her body. It makes it more mysterious, and gets you to guess what she has underneath instead of seeing it 24/7
Because I'm too busy dealing with being sick and my life to go to school every single day. I also do part time school so I only go half the time, I only go to my three classes and stay in the art rooms where I'm alone to finish my homework before I head home
He's a really nice guy, one of the best people to have as a mate!
Nice guys! Corey is really shy at times and people need to leave him alone on his and James is very outgoing and the complete opposite. I enjoy the times we hang out although there are not many :)
We definietely should, it would be an amazing day! :)
Of course, I'm sure everyone has at one point!
Hahaha I'm not insecure in myself I'm actually happy with who I am. And what I said may have been nasty but it's no where near as nasty as saying it to other people but then not admitting to saying it at all like a lot of people do, I was straight up honest about how I damn well felt. At least I am the only person out of everyone who actually said it instead of whispering to others when she wasn't around and then lying to her face acting like her friend. At least when I said it I didn't hide behind an 'anonymous' name and didn't hide who I was when I had my opinion. I might of taken this more serious if it wasn't anonymous and the person sending it actually had the guts to stand behind their opinion and let me know that it was them sending it in the first place.
Bull**** other people do that we have to put up with
Well Benny definietly wouldn't be Mario...
Hiharii hiharii
I'd be Hatsune Miku!
Raspberry Fanta! <3
1. Tony Stark: We won't be loosing technology any time soon 2. Yoshi: He could swallow the zombies coming at me as I'm riding my trusty stead and he will also spit them back out at the oncoming ones and trip them up as I ride away into the distance 3. Charizard: I'd never have to worry about ignition and fuel again, he could just torch the hell out of the zombies there and then, frying them to the point that all they are is a chared mess on the ground 4. Alien: because if a zombie did bite into it then the acid alien blood will disolve the zombie and kill it 5. Ryan: because he'd die in the first five minutes of a zombie apocolypse if i didn't bring him along with my team. And I kind of have to because we're in a relationship! Well there you go, who and the reason why! :)
Benny, you know my favourite Vocaloid character is Hatsune Miku! :P ;)
That's sweet :) This was so long ago, hopefully you've found someone who feels the same way about you too!
Really? I want Skittles and Choc chip mint ice cream!
Awh thankx Bro! :)
Thank you so much, that's is so sweet of you to say. You're perfect the way you are because what you are is very kind towards others :3 Xo
Maybe because it's just another place that is building the city/town/suburb and making it bigger and bigger :)
I'm not really, I'm just like a heap of other people probably are but thank you for saying I am :)
Talisha is a really nice girl, very pretty and I like it when I see her out and about and we can chat for a bit
Thank you so much, that is so kind of you to say :)
Nice guy and a really bug gamer
Growing up the way I have
Yes and it s*cks!