Do u love ur Annia
More than anything!
Thoughts on ella doyle ? :)
So pretty!!!!! And such a nice person! :) Xx
nah haha it would probably be weird!
just do it!
paige i never knew how hilarious you were! i wish we were better friends! :)
oh that's really nice inbox?
You're in my bed
Go Away Sarah
You have the best as*
ha no
You're really attractive bbq!
ha thanks
thoughts on natasha marotta? :)
Really Pretty, Lovely but quiet :) X
you can't cook toast.
You can't cook porridge
You jump in your sleep a lot
Ok Sarah
Thoughts on danica :)
Pretty and really nice :) X
Thoughts on Trent prosser
thoughts on spits?
Haha to funny!
Thoughts on Libby Towns?
Really nice! Good at netball but really quiet :) X
Thoughts ON Monique Tracey!
Woah ok.. She's a Darl, ma little taxi hehe just kidding love her guts Xx
You are truelly. The most tumblr person ever
Oh your such a darl!
Thoughts in Monique Tracey?
Thoughts on shenae gordon?
Lovely girl, so pretty!! want to get to know her better :)
Thoughts on shayla marsh?
Love her guts!
First kiss?
Haven't had one..
How did you get such a good body?
I don't know?
you are actually perfect
Nones perfect