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cuz the pay is good. 2 buks an hour yeeeeeeeeah buddy.
eat cookie dough. f*** Bit**es. get money.
i sleeve of ANONYMOUS, super hot.
yeah, ill get a tattoo of your name across my lower back. it will look like this.
oooooooohk good to know...
na i took it out, i just kinda got over it.
cool question! never herd that before..
who is asking these questions?! hahaha i havnt no lol
nope have not haha
fuken hell i swear you're obsessed with me. you just can't keep away from my qooh me can ya gosh darnit
shut the f*** up MEG
watch you sleep...... ;)
Go away MEG
O.o wut......................
nah bro im a NINJA! :D
they are as big as your head. thats what the german said! ivvvvve got lovely bunch of coconuts diddley deee, there they are standing in a rowwwww
Ke$ha and Charlie Sheen
obama's pretty pimpin
no she died. that is why she is holy. HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW THIS WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU.
my heads fine, im just hungrier then a muther f***er holy mother of nemo.
with my hoe whip. and cheeseburgers. hoes love cheeseburgers.
"runnin round leavin scarrrs" Na jokes i dont run im to lazy.
I WISHHHHHH that Ben Hardcastle would stay a happy cheerful ray of sunshine for his whole life! :D
what does deol mean?? confuzed.
Yeah it's not funny. But your spelling is.
ew i hate him we are getting a divorce.
joooooooking ILY BENNY BOODLES! <3
Well anonymous i give you a strong 2 because you have a cool name
cbf! aint nobody got time for that shi*!
cool story