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Ask and I'll give you a cookie

595 Replies

Who do you think is dying next on Game of thrones?

your mom

Pandaaa replied 3908 days ago

what makes you think that about him (michael)?

Whenever other people talk **** about him or I have to look at him.

Pandaaa replied 3952 days ago

y u sah gai??????????

cuz you s*ck donkey nuts

Pandaaa replied 3952 days ago



Pandaaa replied 3952 days ago

fave dinosaw?

the one with 2 legs

Pandaaa replied 3952 days ago

what happened with michael?

He's a ****wit with no common sense nor any self respect. Just an outright dumbass.

Pandaaa replied 3952 days ago

What would you like to ask God?

Implying that such a being exists; "How could you let us **** up so bad?"

Pandaaa replied 3979 days ago

Which product or service do you find ridiculously overpriced?


Pandaaa replied 3996 days ago

Which Foreign country do you dislike the most and why?

America cause they're a bunch of fat ****ing idiots with a ****ed up government with the same abount of brain cells in total to a kid with autism.

Pandaaa replied 4006 days ago

Would you rather trade some intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence?

Shame I don't have any of each....

Pandaaa replied 4015 days ago

How big is your TV?


Pandaaa replied 4021 days ago

What are you wearing right now?

gimp suit

Pandaaa replied 4027 days ago

Are u asian?


Pandaaa replied 4029 days ago

U r an fgt

ty caleb

Pandaaa replied 4032 days ago

One thing you want to say to someone right now, but can't or aren't brave enough to?

"I miss you"

Pandaaa replied 4032 days ago