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134 Replies

Top 5 hottest guys in order

Emma x5

Paris_Smith replied 2698 days ago

you're so beautiful and don't let anyone tell you different lili.burr

Aww I love you lili???

Paris_Smith replied 2698 days ago 1 1

Honestly so pretty❤️ You look so much older and. More beautiful than me❤️

Aww❤️ That's prolly not TRU!?

Paris_Smith replied 2701 days ago

You're perfect

Aww thank you?

Paris_Smith replied 2734 days ago

it hurts me to see what ppl say to u, ur my inspiration. like honestly wtf is wrong with ppl?

Aww that honestly means so much to me? And Ik ppl need to start thinking before doing/saying things!

Paris_Smith replied 2735 days ago

So who's the new guy you got now?


Paris_Smith replied 2735 days ago

Whats ur sc?


Paris_Smith replied 2736 days ago

What percentage is your phone's battery on right now?

5% always

Paris_Smith replied 2736 days ago

Girl work


Paris_Smith replied 2736 days ago

you're gorgeous madison.major

Aww I love you?

Paris_Smith replied 2736 days ago 1

you're young! Make the most of these moments now and don't care what other ppl say

Thank you for saying that sm❤️

Paris_Smith replied 2737 days ago

btch just stfu about this tough girl act!

Holy fck just drop it I honestly don't care! I don't want to read these anymore, it's so stupid that ur wasting ur time writing rude things that no1 cares about. And calling me names just makes it look like it's okayy for other ppl to do the same. You have no idea what my life is like or how I feel! And this app honestly just spreads negativity, I got this app bc I saw all the nice stuff ppl say to ppl. But no ppl r just fake and they use this app to say mean this to ppl behind a screen.

Paris_Smith replied 2737 days ago 3

Honestly u think ur so cool but ur just in grade 7 , stop trying to be fckable and just be a kid

Omfg I'm so srry u think of me in that way but seriously no 1 cares ima do what I want to do and if u have a problem w that then say it to my face

Paris_Smith replied 2737 days ago

Who's the biggest snake you know

?? can't say

Paris_Smith replied 2738 days ago



Paris_Smith replied 2738 days ago