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Aayy bruh long time
God bless you?❤️
btch your balla is over tiny how your Ma chuned me
Nah bish it's something you dream for?
I'm taken so I have no thoughts atm
They ma close friends lmao go get a life
Well I don't have a bested girl as a friend I consider them as sisters they are the best they are their when I need them
Aaaay your oralia is doing good she's studying now? I'm a cake?
Smmmh go study, nah ill message you
Aaaaaaaaaa I love you ❤️?
fck fck sies Nay Nay Nay tbh I don't like her she's all about the attention fam Soz o Ya and she's Naaring sorry fam but I'm already ❤️❤️
Ayyy that's ma brah he is such a Lakka and fun owe to talk to and have fun with he's tops?❤️?
Over sht
Aaayyy thanks man?❤️ I guess yours the same
Who Dat☄️????
Any day fam
Ayyy thanks bruh?
Eish fam I'm not a giant no need to be scared but like either way if I tell you to dm you won't ?
Nah I don't like any girls in my school
My feed❤️
Im not sure
I don't like anyone in my school
Naaaahhh fam imma searching❤️?
Ayyyy okay and you
Aaaaayyyy not a good time to talk about it man moving on in life
Aaaa man comon don't be afraid❤️
It is not a hindi word..
Lol I'm not gay?
Dm me who you are?cause it looks like you know more than me catch me up????
I dunno
I tink
I wonder
Plain bruh gotta spice it up
She's a good friend?
Cause I'm fine like that
Yes I'm happy
I'm not gay
Ayo imma doing tops so far
Not about that life fam
Nawt? you know who I am?
Lol I can't pick they like fam?but they also annoying imma jokes Neha and aditi??????
Yoh my closest are aditi and Neha they are like fam to meh??
Nah life is plain at the moment
Rouve and Ryan
????????? what a question
Nay I don't hate I just don't like annoying people and people who brag alot?
Star college Boys high 14
Yoh thanks man??
Lol the biggest cake I've ever met and the biggest Lytie of all times
No I'm bored
Rouve and Ryan?
Awehs Keaton?
Lol what a question I'm straight
Nah it's chilled?
??? thanks for your consering
My family
Yoh everything just fam?
Well...... Not sure
It's doing meh
Wanna give it to.....
Man they are Rouve and Ryan??