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Daniel Pazsa


ask away, hombrè.

49 Replies

What are your thoughtts on tacos

Tacos are the worst, tastes like poop

Pazsa replied 3532 days ago

Oh hell naw, camille is definitely cooler than you. Like 69x cooler yo.

You wish jellyfish

Pazsa replied 3532 days ago

Thoughts on camille yoyoyo

Camille is the best! Pretty as, best ppersonality ever and so easy to talk to! Not as cool as me, but maybe one day she will get there ;)

Pazsa replied 3584 days ago

Why are you so bad at FIFA?

Ah, Oscar pistorious

Pazsa replied 3584 days ago

Who inspires you?

Steven Gerrard

Pazsa replied 3622 days ago

thought on Zoe Kisler

Such a good person and good as to talk too!

Pazsa replied 3630 days ago

Why are you such a tool when dressed as a taco? Please advise? #willnotjudge

Are you saying that i change when I wear a costume? Or Am I misunderstanding?

Pazsa replied 3631 days ago

Are you a boo* or an as* man?

Doesn't really matter tbh, I'd rather a chick with a good as personality, so it don't really bother me at all.

Pazsa replied 3666 days ago

Will you mary me? I'll give you the licky b*m b*m ;)

Depends who's asking

Pazsa replied 3673 days ago

You're a top rat Jakeyg.

I'd rather be a top rat than a tip rat, pal.

Pazsa replied 3673 days ago

Your **** at FIFA

T right

Pazsa replied 3673 days ago

Thoughts on Zoe Kisler

She's cool as, she was their for me when I was going through a bunch of stuff, which I really do appreciate. I'm pretty sure she doesn't like me nows, but what can ya do!

Pazsa replied 3685 days ago

Why u so bootiful

Why u so sarcastic :'(

Pazsa replied 3686 days ago

The biggest mistake you made in your life?


Pazsa replied 3698 days ago

What is your secret for woman-catching?

Send nudes.

Pazsa replied 3699 days ago 1