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peppa breitinger


Ask me anything you like anonymously

6 Replies

Who do you look up to and why ?

I lookup to Taylor swift

Pepsicle replied 3486 days ago

who are our best friends?


Pepsicle replied 3500 days ago

What's the worst thing you've ever done?


Pepsicle replied 3505 days ago 1

Do you ever talk about your friends behind their backs?

I think everyone has at some stage but no not recently

Pepsicle replied 3505 days ago

How can someone tell if you hate them?

If it was talking about me hating someone I'll keep it simple, I don't hate anyone. It's either I don't like their decisions or part of their personality. Hate is a very strong that should be used very carefully. Sometimes you want people to be something that you want, but if that was the case everyone would be mad!

Pepsicle replied 3507 days ago

Do you think that you treat everyone the same?

I can't say that I do all the time, sometimes people don't treat me the same as they do with all the others. It's a change I need to make.

Pepsicle replied 3507 days ago