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214 Replies

It's not about me it's about you look how you were when you "broke up" with me and I never said you were mean no one said you were mean you made me look like a bad person that's why Nim hated me and your ex's gf blocked me

Don't give me that I literally got hit in the face by a "Roman" because you were bad mouthing me. Who you literally tried to kiss but I wasn't supposed to know about that right? But oh Dolphs a heartbreaker he'll hurt you look out stay way right? The truth hurts a lot more than a punch.

PerfectZiggler replied 2588 days ago

The question is if you really feel that way why are you answering me no forced you to no one said you had to so why are you answering ?

YES someone did. Or haven't you been paying attention?

PerfectZiggler replied 2588 days ago

You don't know what a serious relationship is you couldn't even stay serious in ours you lied to me and if anything should have been happy that I stayed with you even after you said you were gonna expose me to everyone

I was happy not knowing. For someone to do what you did at a time like that I'd be better off not making plans for a girl who kept disappointing me time after time.

PerfectZiggler replied 2589 days ago

You know as much as I know that once I told you I wanted to leave you wanted to leave with me and once we were I wanted for you to tell me when but you ignored me

You didn't want to leave with me. I wasn't enough for you. So who ever is I hope you're happy together.

PerfectZiggler replied 2589 days ago

That day I wanted to talk you the reason I said I wanted to isn't the only reason but you don't give a sht you never did never have never will you were to scared to talk to me on your own so you told Brie to make a gc with us three it's sad

To tell me what? Because it's all about you again right I'm the mean ol' boyfriend who does nothing but hurt you right? Then why was I the one to walk away from you?

PerfectZiggler replied 2589 days ago

I didn't take you for granted you took me for granted so don't even go there

I took the next step. You weren't ready for a serious relationship. Maybe you never will be.

PerfectZiggler replied 2589 days ago

I love when you ignore me so go ahead it doesn't hurt me I got use to it ??

I see right through you. You're just here because you don't want me to forget you.

PerfectZiggler replied 2589 days ago

Te acostumbras a ser ignorado cuando eso es todo lo que sucedió en tu relación

And you've gone nowhere since. Look where taking me for granted has gotten you.

PerfectZiggler replied 2589 days ago

Et si je ne le fais pas

I'll ignore you (again!)

PerfectZiggler replied 2589 days ago

Dummy hoe ARulingHerSpite

Bear panties Brie !

PerfectZiggler replied 2589 days ago

Opinions? Nah it's all facts

Foutez le camp

PerfectZiggler replied 2589 days ago

Cute you're doing what you do best always lying and denying sht how cute

Nonsense. Opinions aren't welcome.

PerfectZiggler replied 2590 days ago

If she was your crush why did you lie to her?

Ignored. Never happens.

PerfectZiggler replied 2591 days ago

Who's your crush? If you have one

@GoldRoseGodess would be. But she said I'm too good for her. ✌

PerfectZiggler replied 2591 days ago

Are you single?

It's complicated. Nothing's official.

PerfectZiggler replied 2591 days ago