Phillipa Clark
Please stop
oh hell no
Oh hell no what?
why did you put up a photo 'NEWLY SINGLE'
Why are u stalking me?
didnt you just have a boyfriend??
who was your last boyfriend?
Oh helllllllll no
*hands you a dictionary*
How? Please explain:P
why wont you burn
I don't know? Why would I burn
whats ur bra size?;)
Not telling
what do you mean 'change for the worse'?
I mean he changed, but the change wasn't good.
thoughts on Nick Liam and Jordan?
Nick: WHAT A BABE! Love his hair it is amazzziiinnnggg!! I wish I could braid his hair;) Liam: nice kid, Shame he had to change for the worse.. Jordan: love his bird nest hair! Good musician
its an ugly face, plz stop
I think I got that considering I have about 30 other qoohs saying how ugly I am, so thanks ill make that 31
when you do the duck face are you pulling a face or actually trying to look good?
I'm pulling a face...:/
Ur glas*es are the Cutiest thing in the world â¤â¤â¤â¤
Aww ur the cutest thing in the world
how does it make me uglier?
Because your ugly so you have to bring everyone else down to think their ugly.. But really they are beautiful on the inside and out but your just ugly.
ugly trollllll
Writing this just makes you uglier
jokes on me? no jokes on you you ugly f u c k
Yeah jokes on you, you f*** head writing shi* on anon on my wall at 2:30 in the morning you lifeless f***!
ugliest* girl at jpc
Jokes on you I don't go to JPC anymore dumbas*
You're the hottest girl at JPC
Aww thanks;) <3 inbox me
Also I don't go to JPC anymore
your glas*es are ugly
your glas*es are ugly there not even real and you look stupid in them
And u are just ugly
lolol that's actually pretty*sssssssssss
is there a lens in that?
Yes there are lenes in them
r those 3d glas*es in ur dp
No their actual glas*es
how's life
Pretty fricken amazing what about you?
yeah lol
Um.. No that's disgusting
I did.. And no that is so gotty
i like it
Like what? Rimmeys? What is it?
wow u guyz must be really bored..
Truee! We really are
Mmmm dayyuumm you sah hot!
Aww dayyumm! Don't flatter don't flatter;)
gimme a rimmy
What the hell is a rimmy?
breasts chicken
I like chicken! It tastes yummy
why are people so cruel? things like that down below cause people to cut and commit suicide, even if you think someone wont, heaps of people do. I hope those people are reading this. I love you so much phillipa, keep your head high<3
I hope that they are reading it to! And I love you too xox
people are so silly! they hide behind their computers to try & bring you down because they have nothing better to do & have low self esteem. you\\\\\\\'re amazingly beautiful phillipa, don\\\\\\\'t for a second listen to any of these people.
Exactly! And thank you xxx
why are you such a babe??? hahahah stop stalking ;) ahhah lol
I just have a gift ;)
your not amazing your a stupid Bit**
Thanks baby cakes
you ugly troll
Does writing this anon make you any prittier
its funny that you clame im your closest friend but you dont know me at all . :D
True I don't know you.. And I don't want to know you. And your not even remotely close to being my friend. Plus telling someone to die is taking it to far! People kill themselves because of bullying Internet trolls like you!
Hahaha 14
you still look LIKE a troll
and you STILL look like the dumbas* that cant get over how amazing i am so you have to try and bring me down to your leave which is under a bridge.. cause thats were trolls live!
you look liek a troll
Like* ha! Dumbas*
ur not even pretty!!!!!
And your just some annoying Internet troll
another duck face and ill shoot you
Another Bit** from your mouth ill shoot you first
Omg. Don't listen to those shi* heads. There just jealous beautiful xxx.
Aww thanks you xxx
U stab people in the back more that you would ever know. These things will come back and bite u in the as*. Karma..... Remember it
Karmas my best friend:) why don't you stop being a two faced Internet troll and inbox me saying it..
who do you hate or dislike at this point in time ? :D
That's for me to know and for you not to find out:D
what are your thoughts on cheese and biscuits my good lady?
Hahah, umm they taste really good, but like the packet ones or what?
oh my god you hhhhh8888888 mei DangerRansom
I don't hate you, hahaha you hate me! There's a difference
thoughts on olli ransom?
I'm not gonna say anything about him, cause I know it's going to come back to him
okay sorry for bothering you :/
Your not bothering me at all :)
just annoying i'm guessing?
Well ur guessing wrong
do you not like him?
No he's a nice kid
whose this scott kid or keeps posting? seems like a f*****..
He's one of my best friends brothers
i was going to get a friend to video me running up and fly kicking a random aand post it on here but and wear a mask so its anon. but yeah i forgot to click change to anon. aha Fornicating_Elves
Oh okay
alright ill still do it and post a video cause that would be funny :)
Doing what?
well that f***ed my plan up Fornicating_Elves
No really? But I don't get what u were gonna do
but... where?
I don't know? Do you know?
haha okay sweet, im gonna do that, and video it. then post it on her and you have to guess who i am. trick is, i am gonna wear a mask Fornicating_Elves
What? But I know who you are cause it says sent by Scott
i'm leaving nao. byyyy.
Don't leave I'll miss you
dim sims sound wicket. meet at yours?x
Alright xx I'm so excited xx
what would be more hilarious too see, some random getting fly kicked out of no where, or seeing a person go through a glas* door?
Kicked out of nowhere
LET'S FEAST AT HALLOWEEN TOGETHERRR11!!!!! did you want to eat some puppy dogs too? i hear that they're tasty. like, YUMMM.
Mmmm yummy!!! Can we make some new dimsims?
awz. you think i'm cute? really? :3 ... well now i'm getting all shy...
Aww DEFINETLY! :3 you are such a qt ;)
hahah fair enough, see told ya you wouldn't wanna inbox me ;)
unless you actually wanna, in that case. inbox mee :) Fornicating_Elves
Hahaha true
imma go eet sum peeps for halloween. i will gain sum wait but ya noo... whatever. you dig?
HAHAHAHAH! I dig, can come though?
who? when? why? whyyyyyy? why would you tell me to ask anything and then GET WEIRDED OUT BY THE ANSWERZZZZZZ... SILLAY!!
Hahaha I'm not weirded out at all .. I think it's so cute hahahahahah
f***... how did ya know? hahahahha
I have a gift hahahahah
plans for halloween?
Umm.. Well it's ages away but I'm not sure.. :/ what about you?
cooper, silly! haha :)
Oh makes sense hahah! :)
babe, you have some weirdos on here! x baaaaabbbbbbbeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeesfnlkdesjdiguber
Hahaha I know but it's so cute
the person you want to inbox you is the same person who wanted you to dropkick there sister with them.
just saying
but how?..
I don't know it just is
i am the ultimate nick.
Cooper? Shepard? Jackson? See I know lots of nicks which one are u?
i'm not gonna inbox you, cause you don't know who i am, and you don't want to talk to me :/ you'll just be like, oh its you when i inbox you.
Please, can you just tell me *insert puppy eyes*
What the f*** are people writing on this haha :')
Hahaha I have no clue
nick sse*ay facee!! xdxeaws
Umm.. I'm kinda confused, which one? What's ur last name nick?
WHAT?!?! Who?!??!?
What who what!?!?!?! Inbox me!!
zac effron is mint.
Yeahhhh he's so mint
well i think we are friends seeing as we have known each other for a while, havent seen each other for 4 years or so, since i left primrary. so yeah iunno if we are or not, but i think we should be friends :)
DEFINETLY!!<3 inbox me so we can talk xx
herpa derp is internet terimology. google is your friend. look it uuppp. xxx
Awwww that's so nice <3
Nick who?
but... but why?
But... But why what?
i have watched the lion kind many many many times with little cousins. i know about the circle of life, i'm still tryna work out the meaning tho.
True.. When you figure it out tell me
derp deerrrrrpp!! BURP.
derp-idy herp derp?
What does that mean?
well can we at least become friends? and if we are already friends can we become better friends?
Well I don't know if we're friends or not because I don't know who this is
Well, wel, well... Ms Phillipa Clarke. We meet again. I am Master Uben-Shniezer. I have come to rule the world! Ahahahahahaaaaa!! You can never stop me!!!!!
Firstly it's Clark* no E and who are you?
who's your biggest celebrity crush?
My biggest celebrity crush would be Zac Efron and Channing Tatum
what is the meaning of life?
You obviously haven't watched the lion king before
a b c d e f t e s i d s w p d e k ?
Is that a code for some thing?
herp a derp derp, derp?
What does that mean ? Hahahaha
come on can we pleaseeee dropkick something? it will be fun xD