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Nah gonna be to long
No fight
Party girls
Havent seen you in ages
Khmoa, pretty, nice. Did youbrakeupwitheddie
Speed of light
Disrespectful mother fuker
Tall, pretty, nice kind, perfect, big a** just wanna.... And kbkbkbkb
Hai you are the best person to have around and to kb sista!
Not to be rude but you got curves and b**bies, your really nice, sweet and caring! And i like the photos on snapchat
To many.
Aleena sara Evelyn ung Anna chan Uyen phan Yr 7^
People say you got a nice as*..... And lets just be straight up you do☺️ Really nice and good personality! Bye tc
You're really pretty good at dancing, nice personality! And i love the way you are, good sence of fashion!!!! Bye bye tc! xo
Kb as brother!! Tru friend
Lovley! Kind, good personality, nice body!
You my closest friend and mor but cbf.
Aight 1.richard mam 2.wistar pouv 3.mase dowiyogo 4. Misty choup 5.tiana 6.angel touchh 7. Steven chin 8. Sunnay lopez 9.moldarvy 10.???
Dating the wrong girl..
yea ofc!
a heart warming girl.
Bro, im not ****ing around at the moment, i really care for her so why do yu let it be. Mfkr
francés stop i know its you ahahahahha
nahh algoods i know you like to **** your mum so don't wast your time bro
sick kunt, tough guy and my niggah
you okay..
ummmm yeah ghee!
Toyota 359yxjskmf
i "seem"? should check your eyes
she's a person -girl hahhaha broken english she's nice and cbf ahahahaahahhahahahahahahaahahahahahhahahaha cool ahahahahaahhhaahahahahahahahha awesome hahahaahahhahahahhahhaahhahahahhahah best frannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn haahahaaaahhahhaahaha lololol agaahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahaaahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaa hah ah h aha h ahahah ah ah h h shah ah ah a haha hah ah ah ah ahaahhah a long as bro
And what?
Do you like ****s
No just dont pls... If you do tell her **** head
You're really nice and pretty ! That smile
I already gave you one !!! Description- your beatiful!!☺️
You already know!! Aahahhahaha
Wait what? And yer he did
Well to start off, your with my cuzzie and your welcome into the family, you're really pretty and a fantastic baller but wistar can beat you ahahhahhaa you scare me idk why???..... And you have a goooooodddd personality and many more i cant be effed typing... Too much becoze ya know
Alright but i regret it
*exy, cool and more cbf to much.!! Gl
To have trust you need respect so both or trust
Already did one haahha, but anyways your funny and just different to kb with in a good way
Becoz i cant explain it
Hi? Wtf thats f***ed up person right there ya ****^!
Your mum
the question is u?
got a problem
no one to hang with at my age and it dosent matter about age u mike nig left me..... so yeah
okay bring it ..... no homo
tommy is a f** like Harry potter
Yes she is
Say what ever you want
I know it's you Melissa (she is pretty and cute and funny and kick back with and her bro -.- I just want to squeez his cheeks!?