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Lol naH iDidn't g0 2 mapoNya yesterdaY.......Yuu muSs'o seeN sum1 els
#I'm aLways juhs s0oo laZy t0 cheQ 'em buh I'm fiNna repLy dho
Lmao.....ReaLy???!!!Yuu kiddiNg me ryt
Umh.......______nuN' reaLy!!!!we Juhs' paRted waYs,,buh we'r stiW frieNds dho
Lol aoww #aDorable* hehehehe reaLy it isS........
I thawt I aNswered thisS ?uestion aii neXt??????????????
LoliesS kwaaaaaaa** \"aow mogotsi Neria lol ho ya jwang ka John\" hehehehehehehehehe aii weNah *** taWk crap heRe lol I\'m noRmal I juhs teNd t0 get carried away sumtyms-------iLove Yuu Mendzo
Lmao open dah #hidesS
Lol we'r well known?????.....heheheh iRealy d0no eY!!!---Yuu teLl me***#
LoliesS.....umh hehe #Cute
Lmao lol-----aow ke stoNey hehehe
LoliesS iKnew thsS ?uestion wud *** up...---nah Thuli juhS went t0 a differeNt skooL buh RegardlesS o\' dah situatioN.... we\'r stiW friends!!!!!
Nah.....dah iCeY's r lyk faM!!!!!!
Lol mY nose twitchesS wen I Lie,,,,,
Lol "pardY peePo"??????????lmao oh hoW illiteracY kilLs me lol nah we juhs lYk socialisiNg
If Yuu kN0 me YUu'd kn0 daht I get irritated. Quikly!!!!!!!!!!!!!I ged irritated bY peePo who juhs thinQ theY kn0 moRe
Mah auNt_____Kgomotso **SpinNy** lolies
N0o...piNk is oVer ratted!!!!!!!!!mah fav colouR iS blue
UglY feet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!tjo hai #CantDeal.....@least if thy are coVered
Umh thank well oBviously theRe r gonah be peePo who juhS doN' lyk dah fact daht I'm a BRUTALLLY honest typa perSon!!!!!!besides ke phileLa nNa aNyway && dahtS juhS who I aM
Don' haVe daH tyM oR daH eNergy faW such!!!!!!!!!
Lmao kwaaaaaaa**** "wa tla nou"
Hehehehe iLove Yuu Too phabi<3 maw dahn Yuu thinQ
N01 lol
Hmmmmmmmm.....umh. Didn't we g thru thSs ?uestion bFaw
*gigGless* yeah umh neXt ?uestion
Dah faCt daht we are practically faMily && we've each other'sS baQ n0 matter dah situatioN
Answer stiill pendiN..___..
Oh yes!!!hehe
nah I'm Naht ruDe.....I'm juhs a str8forward typa person
ThaNk Yuu***buh lyk no eY..I don' plaY haRd too get I juhs haV my staNdards dahts alL.......
MXm & daht makes seNse 2 Yuu?????»»»»Hai neXt toe
If I was "williN" 2 baQstab Yuu theN maybe "I'm" not a FrieNd donChu thiNk
Before yuu start asking q's how's about we start attend english classes
#there is no swagg in iLLiteracy
I guess if u heard then its true *rolling eyes*
He's tReatin me o' soh fyn[[sMilesS]] thaNx faW dah coNserN
Lol I don look faW dumB eXcuses 2 dumP my bF....its not worth it
Last time iiCheck'd tHis was wHere you ask questions.... So do you regard that as a question...?
Lol yeah & in Yuur woRld dahtS a ?uestion ryt
Lol...I'm not a typical capri I'm my own person and do my own thing
Can't be put into a boX....
I'm not c0cky_ _ _im juhS confident!!!!!n0 haRm in daht nw is there
1stly iAppreciate dah compLiment buh don appreciate dah fact daht Yuu thinQ hore whoeVer I associate myslf wid is any o' Yuu bizZ!!!!
2ndly yesS Keabetswe is a [[sQuaD]] member & waht Yuu thinQ bots her reaLy doSnt make a difference!!!!its cUte How Yuu THIKNQ we or rather I giVe a shiiii'*#
[Bbm Not Interested faCe]
We've beeN frieNds siNce grd 8 & ouR friendship has beeN groWin stRonger eVer siNce
I miss her lyk crazi.....loliesS damn & haven't seen her iN AGES!!!!!!!!hehe kao raTa nuZa
I also heard daHt....n00o its not
Aow bathong....wud Yuu date Yuur brother????
Lol ummmmmmmmmmmm.... *thiNkin reL haRd*
Hai__hl0bi & atleS take dah cup lol
Mirror cheQ...loliesS #jokes# itS got 2 be mY caffiNe booSte
Lol...jeah sum' like daht
No...asloNg as Yuu kNo wheR home iS
ReaLy????? 8 f0' eVryday o' dah week[[bored face]]!!!!!mXm who couNts their underware marah?????hai lwena lol_ _ _constructiVe ?uestions pls
WheN I'm meNtallY & emotioNally my casE not aNy tiMe soooN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol...nah sFiso iS lyk a bRo 2 me!
Lmao...neXt ?uestion thanQ Yuu»»»
Umh.....2years too maNy to meNsion...can't thiQ o' 1
Hehe....oh he kn0s who he iS***
*••*That Phly ChiQ*••*