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I only talk to penguins sorry
Ebola Tree & Henry are great thanks
Wow u caught me. All the talk about hot boys&****s gave it away, right?
Aha! The question doesn't bother me at all. They are asking a question. Yes they could just as simple as that but people think different, doesn't effect me. Being lesbian isn't an insult so they can't think whatever they'd like:)
Oh, alrighty. Well to answer your question I'm very straight "Trololol"
I didn't get my hair cut aha! I was just saying that because I'm still unaware as to what the hell happened to mea
I look it?? Please explain how I "look lesbian" what do lesbians look like? No I am not lesbian and that's not a rude question, the rude part is saying I look like one, because people don't look a certain way to like a certain *exuality. I don't take offence to the question because you're curious, but don't ever say someone "looks lesbian" or "looks gay" in general.
I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings
Why do the sensor s*ck?? Like YA I will, but it's s*ck???? It's not like every question is "s*ck my **** PLS" it's not, get to **** together
I am rn;))))))
(Worst question to ask anyone is here^)
I'm not Answering that bc I'll forget someone and make them feel bad and they'll be all like "AY yo u forgot me??????" And I'll feel bad, so all of them
Probs danielle ;)
I got a hair cut
He's really nice and fun to talk to!:)
It's my fave<3:$
Probably Zac Efron or tumblr tbh