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Pieter Niemand


Ask me anything you like :P

9 Replies

why you say Jesus is the Saviour

On a personal level:
Because He saved me from myself and from an eternity without Him, I was in darkness and He brought me into the light. My life has changed completely since I started my relationship with Him.

On a Biblical level:
We are born into sin meaning that by nature we are sinful and commit sin. God is perfect and to be in His presence we need to be perfect, but we can't it's not possible in our sinful nature because of that Jesus took our sin upon himself and paid the price on our behalf so that if we are saved instead on us standing sinful by yourself before the Father, Jesus who is perfect would represent us before the Father.

Hope that makes sense, I could give you the scripture about this if you wanted to do further research.

Pieter.Niemand replied 1704 days ago

How do you do it when you are a teen and you still want to do alot of things that is not right and how do you know if you have what it takes

Hey thanks for your question, I hope that I understand your question correctly.

Being a teen is very confusing on so many levels and things can feel so crazy and overwhelming that being said, welcome to life, things are crazy and can be overwhelming so the rest can still relate with you on so many levels.

Wanting to do things that are wrong is "natural" and part of our sinful human nature, it's something everyone can relate to whether it's something small like not wanting to share your food with me (yes, you should always share your food with me) or something bigger like lust or hate. My point being that everyone can relate to that.

All of this just confirms our need for a savour, which is Jesus. We are born into sin and without Jesus we can't do anything but sin. We need Jesus to save us and through that we become a new creation.

Now being saved and in relationship with Jesus we can be empowered by the Holy Spirit to resist the temptations to do wrong and this is something supernatural that I can't fully explain or understand but i've seen it to be true in my own life.It's something we can and should ask the Holy Spirit to help us with, but like I said, the Holy Spirit empowers us to resist sin but He doesn't "take over" our bodies and to it, He gives us the ability to overcome temptation but we still need to chose to not fall into that temptation.

Practical tips if you're saved:
1) Pray and ask God to help you fight the battles

2) Find a mature Christian (not a friend, literally an older person) to help you fight the battle because sometimes you will feel weak and need people around you. I would recommend regular check-ins with this person.

3) Set up boundaries to help yourself(Simple example: You can't braai marshmallows if you don't go near the fire and don't search for loopholes in your boundaries)

Hope this makes sense, feel free to ask if I should clarify something or ask a followup question

Pieter.Niemand replied 1704 days ago

How do you know Christianity is true?

Firstly and to me the most important reason being that i've seen it to be true. What I mean by that is that the Bible speaks about God healing people and numerous of other miracles that God performs, I've seen healing performed by God and seeing miracles was actually the first step in me realising that there was truth in Christianity. After that I started asking that God, whoever He may be would reveal Himself to me and He did it by actually speaking to me personally and inviting me into relationship with Him. So my first reason is more on an "emotional level" and I don't want to only rely on emotions which brings me to my second point which is that Scripture speaks truth. Before I got saved in 2015 i tried to prove that the Bible has faults but I couldn't prove it, even after being saved for a bit I questioned the Bible but could find no fault. There's many prophecies in the Old Testament about the life of Jesus hundreds of years before He was born and for that to be an coincidence doesn't seem possible mathematically(there's a lot of research regarding that topic).

I hope this answers your question, feel free to ask me to clarify something if needed or ask a followup question.

Just know that Jesus is alive and that He wants a lasting relationship with you. That because of what He did on the cross, we can be saved.

Pieter.Niemand replied 1704 days ago

I just want to let you know I don't have a question.

I hope to one day be able to relate with not having questions XD.

Pieter.Niemand replied 1704 days ago


EA Sports: It's in the game ?

Pieter.Niemand replied 1704 days ago

What does your name mean ?

Pieter ~> Peter ~> Petrus all the same means rock

Pieter.Niemand replied 3069 days ago

Vat aan my oor Willemdk

This is wrong on so many levels

Pieter.Niemand replied 3817 days ago

Vat aan jou oor. :)~

Okey nou wat ?

Pieter.Niemand replied 3817 days ago

If your house was on fire and you could only grab one thing. What would you take?

My magical gini lamp and afterwards id wish my house back :p

Pieter.Niemand replied 3977 days ago