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Adam klaasen: just always known each other?❤️
Trinity: she came in grade 4. At first i hated her but then we became besties??
Dean: met at a concert?
Sabrina, hennah, caitlin, aami, lily: only really became friends with them in grade 7 when i got to sit at the cool kids table?
Idk who you aaaarrreeee but thhaaannkksss ❤️?
The fact that colour is not actually colour. Its different shaped wavelengths of light from the sun that hits an object and that object would reflect the colour we see and absorb all the other colours of the rainbow. And colour is what our brains interpret theres no such thing as colour outside of our brains. And theres no way of knowing if two people see the same colours, for example if i see a red apple then what looks red to me could look yellow to you but theres no way of knowin if we see colours differently and its just so mind bogging and i cant deal.
Yeah hes a good friend. Hes amazing and i misssss him?❤️
Spend time with my fwiends and familie❤️
"Piper" means "someone who plays the pipe" ??
Lekker soos n krekker ??❤️ Ily?
Amazing handsome beautiful kind loving awesome radical funny person. Lucky to have him as one of my besties ?
Thanks man means a lot i love you too ❤️❤️❤️❤️??
Patrick ?
no one at the moment
Awww dankie ??
Roostenberg Gurls Hi Scool
Bloody donkey
Had to make a new account lol??