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Philippa Dufana


Give me your best shot

14 Replies

When were you the most happy and why?

I believe I'm always happy or negative things happen...
I'm happy when I want to be happy.

Pippa.Duf replied 2641 days ago

Why are you single?

Because I haven't found the right guy and the potential ones I always ruin it

Pippa.Duf replied 2644 days ago

What do you s*ck at ?

Getting out of the friend zone

Pippa.Duf replied 2646 days ago

Who do you like

No one anymore just trying to sort out my life. I've messed up too much already

Pippa.Duf replied 2646 days ago

Does he like u back?

No... idk anymore
I miss him tho

Pippa.Duf replied 2646 days ago

What was your first relationship like?

I had one? WHEN!!??? I never knew

Pippa.Duf replied 3047 days ago

Why aren't you famous?

Who said I'm not...

Pippa.Duf replied 3051 days ago

What is the worst trend you participated in?

The dab trend

Pippa.Duf replied 3062 days ago

What do you want more than anything else in the world ,right now ?

To be happy and find my emotions again... Maybe if I'm lucky find a decent guy for the first time in my life xXxX

Pippa.Duf replied 3086 days ago

Why do you have that scar ?

Because I was climbing out a Rock pool and a crab scared me

Pippa.Duf replied 3091 days ago

How did you meet your bestfriend ?

Well it was in grade 8 we were in the same class and we all hit it off... all four of us are still best friends going into 10th and will be for the rest of our lives...

Pippa.Duf replied 3108 days ago

What in your opinion, is a huge waste of money?

to live in a massive house but your all by yourself or even if your a family of lets say 4 and your house is so big three families could live there but never know the others existed

Pippa.Duf replied 3113 days ago

If you could forget one thing, what would it be?

that my best friend lied to me about basically everything

Pippa.Duf replied 3115 days ago 1

Dream holiday destination ?

London, Paris, Italy, Australia, basically everywhere

Pippa.Duf replied 3421 days ago