Chris brown?. Taken? ?what else you wanna know? ? Oh,Food is bae ???
Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Lmao yes you can dm me??.
But, think twice before calling me baby bro'. ?.
?Nothing, why?
Use your mother's bra ??
Compress your grapes and watch it transform into oranges or watermelons???watch you don't break your hands
?????❤️Ayyy not any time soon??lets leave it to the experts
?Omw, you so desperate aye. I'm in a relationship wtf you mahn?go get a fuxkn life.
???Someone very dear to me???it's confidential ?.
Urrrm ?yeahhhh.
With what? ?
Exactly "used to"..
?Who said I'm not ?.
What's that supposed to mean?
You can't spell or you don't have respect for girls? ?
Yeahh ?..
Why you asking me? ?Tf mahn.
Nay buh, i know someone who ??? in their pants due to no bathroom ?(IN THE CAR) ???
Yeah we no more girlfriend and boyfriend ??.
We're husband and wife ??.
Noh I'm taken bruh??
Babyy girll??
I love you too ?
Billy goat??
Relax mikaaa??
?Unicorn bubbles??
Obviously ?
Yess ii do??
Stop right there!
Don't you dare fuxking talk shxt about my boyfriend just because your life has no meaning, Learn to mind your own fuxking business. If you have the balls then DM me otherwise just shut the fuxk up?Don't ruin other people's happiness because you don't have anything sustainable for yourself. Stay out of my life and my boyfriends. ?YOU'RE A FAN BXTCH.
I trust my boyfriend, thanks.
I don't need you to be his spy. ?
Wtf ?do i live in her thoughts to know?.
K. ?
Ayy miks????only you...
No. ??
That's a personal question.
?And doesn't have nothing to do with you.
Most definitely Frozen??❤️
I'm sorry ?i didn't mean too..
I don't use anyone?. I just realise the true intentions and back off.
Shiks, i didn't mean to make you feel that way, but before i was going through some shiid but now it's 100z
No?, Lamborghini Fan??
?Why is this question so common??
Maybe cause my momma is on fleek??❤️
Thank you☺️?
Tf is it to you?.
?Ncaw what's your username ?
Ncaw mahn. Thank you??
Thank you?❤️
?Omw i love me too?❤?
?Thank choo?
Honestly ??whata about mah feet
Urrrm i don't have one?whatever song fits my situation or the way i feel will be my song???
?grab your ars miks???
I stopped talking to alot of people.
No hard feels.
?noh noh noh she's mine?
?❤Oiiii thank you?❤I love you too baba'G?❤?
?Hehe thank you??
Urrm? i dunno
How you kaymika?
?Clean your ears properly then listen.
Oh but anyway i forgot not everyone has good taste afterall ??
Chris brown duhhh???.
And cardi B??
Ocho i don't respond to my Dmz sorry,Whats ur username?
Ncaw mahn??Thank you ?..
But i don't know you?..
Dm me or something☺
Cause i don't wanna?.
He doesn't exist ☺.
?but let me tell you?.
•Honest guy?.
•Respectful guy?.
•he must be mature when needed?.
●He's ego must not be bigger than his dixk?.
And if he says the words •ILoveYou• he must mean it ?.
Ouu thank youu?❤
For me love is pain.
Love is the most painful emotion, Love doesn't exist it's all an illusion created by two people "claiming " to love each other and making fake promises, it's like two people pulling an elastic band, when one lets go?.
Then the other one gets hurt, yes wounds do heal, but memories live on. ☺Love doesn't exist. It's all just temporary made up shiid??
Purple & Blue.
Hobbies: Music??
Daily thoughts.
Uhmmm thank youuu???
Thank you ???
My fuxkn gawwd??Send me a hint??
Omw?tell me who you are.
Thank youu??
Fml?Thank you ii did have a great day, hope you had an amazing day yourself ??
?If u don't wanna reveal yourself how can i? ??
Hayy hayy??
Savage kiid?
Uhm n what explanation to i owe you sweetie? ?
You seem to know me really well, well i can't say much now, Dm me and hopefully I'll be able to confess ??
Thannnk youuu?wish yo'momma a happy Mother's dayy?
Ask your mother, ?
Ncaww mahn?
Sure thang?
Youngest 15 ?
Oldest 20/19?
You're amazing ?❤Thank you for this means alot, You're so right about all that??
About the guy part,im not sure?
Uhmmm are you the ones been hitting me up with all the sweet stuff? ?
No. Distance ain't my thing
?Uhmm i hope you are the one i think you are.
Hows a dm?
Orr a confession? ???
Hellarr ?
I wish you could reveal yourself,im kinda hoping you the one my hearts been telling me about, the one I've been missing for days?
Telll me who you are ??
Ahhh thank you ?
Come on ,Reveal yourself ?
Ay ay ay ?
Who are you? ?