Chifundo phiri
Wat happend bwtn u n Armstrong...u guys wer cute 2gether
Eti inenso sindimaziwa chomwe
Ndinakuona dzulo n pipo jst dnt cal u pretty for nufin....wher do u get dat beauty frm,n i lyk dat swagg in u
Unandiona kuti?nwe thanx i got it frm my mama n evrythng on me its cz of yah God made it hapen 4me
U so beautiful y r u datin munthu osakukhala armstrong??? U deserv bettr
Wat da ****????? I knw u got bettr question 2 ask than dis
u sim 2 b a nyc gal, y do u asocate with dis gal cod cinnah?
**** who so eva it z..mind ur own businez
U so beautiful n charmin,saw u today in town,lukin *exy..hw i wish u wer mine
Awwww thanx i wil take that as a compliment bt am already taken
Wat makes u pretty
My heart
Uzapita ku Lake of
*** *" **
* *"* *
s*" *t *a r*
?*" **? Noordien
describ urself in 3 w0rdx
Humble,pretty n smart
Hu z dude?
Re-construct ur sentence again
If u wud cheat on yo boyfrend who wud u cheat on him wif?his best frend/any other guy
I got mch respect 4 hm so i cnt cheat
U so sweet n beauiful i wish u wer mine
Awwwww am already taken n uzapeza wina ngati ine
Hw dd u get those big bubs?
U wana knw?..ask my mama
Hw much *ex per wik do u thnk is healthy?
Construct ur sentence am nt getin watchu tryn 2 mean
hook me up wit ur friend cina plz plz plz
Who z dis? Inbox me
Cn u huk m up wit 1 of Yo frnds?
Wch 1
Would u liv ur man f u caught him cheatin o f u knew his cheatin on u
Eti u n armstrong u r expectin a kid?
Mxiiii kodi bwanji? Its nt true,may b in da nxt years 2 ***
U such a beautiful gal cn i hav ur numbr
Thanx my number 997
Y is had to say i luv u
hu z yo best friend?
My mum
Ndikuti usiku tikasambe ? And u said susamba.. Ndati ndiulule wati ayi .. Hahahahaha fundo sugeza kani.. Nasha_PANASHA
Hahaha,didnt knw kuti ur goin dat wae n u said tikambe,
Hu hd *ex wit recently?
Whats your nickname?
Z it true dat u datin a celeb?
Hw many tyms shud i answer dis question...if u take him as a celeb,me i dnt...he z my lover
Wud u date a guy witout meeting them?
Y gal cheat alot
Construct ur sentence again
Wen z u n armstrong plannin 2 get married?
Godz tym z da best
So who 2 u r ur real frendx ?
Those who dnt talk behind my bak,i respect them
Dont u thnk ur frndx tok **** abt u ?
Nt i fink so bt i knw so,sum of them r fake
Eti u hav a kid 4 armstrong
Olo ndiye nditakhala naye pali vuto? Mxii
wat do u tink about nina n cinnah?
I said that they r my second family,i trust them so mch
i lyk ur bodystructr
do u thnk the malawi news model of the year is a threat 2 ur relationship?
Asaaah,hw cn sh b a threat? I dnt c anyone a threat 2 me n armstrng
K tru lav neva ends.
Yah it dont
Do u realy lav amstrong 4rm da bottom of ur hat.
Ya i do lov hm kwambiri,hope he knws
i heard u lyk vasco true?
Zalowano personal..ukamufunse iyeyo n **** who so eva tod u dis crap
Do u love armstrong for his fame?
I met hm b4 he ws famous,so copy dat
wat appen 2 us bestie?
Who z dis? Nufin happened
Z it true dat u datin a celebrity?
If u consider hm as a celeb.ine i dnt..
Do u still love ur x bill chiwaya?
Koma ngati akutumani simundikwanisa
Alot of people say u r witch z t true?
Ukawafunse amakuuzawo
is it true that u had a baby at 15?
anandipasa bambo ako mwanayo?
y do u call urslf pretty yet u nt.
do u knw u gt nyc boo*s?
Nw u telin me
Is it true dat u ever dated Chipi uli ku primary
Chipi ndiye uti?
Do u knw tht ur lips r so sweet
ignorin em is e best & only way....
I fink dats a gud idea
Hv u eva mas*******d?
Google that
Hu broke ya virginity?
i lyk it coz u get an idea of wat haters tnks of u...dont u tnk?
Bt its too mch,sum pipo r askin stupid questionz
do u like ds Qooh ****?
Its getin personal,in short i dnt lyk it
Kodi ar u stl at ourlady?
Ayi,ndalemba mayeso
u ar so beautiful..u kno dt?
Hav u eva cheat ur lover?
On armstrong? Nah
hav u eva kissed a white
What does it take 4 som1 2
get closer 2 u?
If we hav sumthng in common...
wud u give a 2nd chance to
any of ur ex's?
Nah,i wont cz i moved on
Wud u join a beauty contest
Nah,am nt into dat
Nw dnt presume dt hvn armstrng mins u gt th whol wrld in ur hands...he cn slip thru yr hands... Actually...congratulations
He mins da whole 2me...
i saw u today barely at a dstanc
am gona ask u a simple qstn bt ds qstn hs a powerful effect & gravity enuf to bring down th walls of ur inner u ready?
Im a millionaire. would
you leave your man for
Hehehe,i dnt go 4 money
do u tink yur boyfrend
loves u?
Not i think so bt i knw so
how's yur dae goin?
My dae z okai
who gave u ur 1st kiss?
w@ 3 things u like about armstrong?
I like evrythng abwt hm
What z ur best moment wit ur man armstrong?
Hehe,its so personal
Atention from pipo including women who are his fans. How are u dealing with it.
Eish,kodi paja? I dnt c that..
Da gal around kamba
She z so nyc,n so frndly
Did u knw ur boi Friend is whack?
Hehehe,zako zimenezo
U pretty n a gud person no mata wat erbody telx u...
Wat do u thnk bwt norah thats wen u c hr....
Wch norah?
Hw did u get 2 know dat u r preatty
Cz my family telz me so
How are u dealin with all the attention ur man is gettin.
Getin frm wher?
Wat meks a person pwity?
The heart..
du u really love ur galz cinnah n eustina?
Kwambiri kwake,hope they knw
watx ur Mxit ID??
Am nt on mxit
do you realy love ur galz cinnah and eustina?
So badly,their my second family
Who broke ur virginity & where?
Preety y say,wat makes you pretty
I hav a vry beautiful heart,wch holds love 4 sum1
wat hpnd btwn u nd nic nak
Am nt aware..
Wen u *****g to Llz?
Month end
bt no 1 is perfct....
I find hm perfect
owky ar u a *ex adct...
Am nt sure
zoti unanyambita ku thako kwa amuna ako z it true?
wats the thng u dnt lyk abt yo b.f?
Evrythng abwt hm z so fyn
iz it true tht u hav a big crash on vasco phiri??
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.,am nt into any other man apart frm armstrong
z da rumor bout pinjabie true
Am nt aware
if yo boyfrend was cheating on u nd he came to apologies wud u gv him a second chance?
It wil depend
do u cheat on ur man..lyk nyash bhnd in o mke ot wif oda dudez
Nah i dnt
is it true dat u make out wif galz...o u a lesbian...
O.M.G thats an abormination,i hav a man