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Don't be scared. I'll give you food if you ask me a question. :)

151 Replies

If something is unanswered in your relationship, but you don't wanna seem like you are crZy and digging to deep into something, what do you do? Do you tell them or no to avoid the argument. Which is more pain.

Ouch, a hard one. What I would do is;
Even if it kills you inside, I'd just them answer the question when they feel comfortable, but if time past and they still haven't answered, ask again. But be polite and gentle about it.

PrevailingQueen replied 3212 days ago

Thug hop on me **** it's rich

You good, fam? You need some
Milk? fck off.

PrevailingQueen replied 3212 days ago

It's Keith thug

Gross, bye.

PrevailingQueen replied 3212 days ago

Hoe... You ma, hoe


PrevailingQueen replied 3212 days ago

Are you and Jacob still together?

Who's asking?

PrevailingQueen replied 3212 days ago

What is the key to your heart?

Wow, that's a hard question. I'll try to answer it as logical as possible.

So, I'm more of the girl who loves to chills and crap like that. I have a very sassy, crazy, and a Hispanic attitude problem so a guy/girl who can deal with that is like, award winning . Lmao. Anways, it's how you act towards me. You treat me like your bestfriend and girlfriend at the same time, where we can be silly, but where we don't get undressed too fast, ya know? It's just hard to explain. I'm easily impressed, I guess. But, it just depends how how you act and treat me.

PrevailingQueen replied 3212 days ago

Jacob is inside me in my DM's bish you can have him when I'm done


PrevailingQueen replied 3220 days ago

Just thought I'd let you know, even though you'll never know who this is. Bye btch, I'll enjoy riding his dck. (:

Congratulations, I know who this is, by the way. Good day!

PrevailingQueen replied 3221 days ago

Rather date Keith, Jacob or Mikey


PrevailingQueen replied 3223 days ago

Hi Dj.


PrevailingQueen replied 3234 days ago

So. We can talk?


PrevailingQueen replied 3234 days ago

DM me please?

Why should I?

PrevailingQueen replied 3234 days ago

Me, Dean. I don't have a Qooh, so.

You're never online so what's the difference?

PrevailingQueen replied 3234 days ago

Why do you always ignore me every time you're in a relationship?

I don't know who you are since you put this as Anon. ?

PrevailingQueen replied 3234 days ago

s*ck my dck please. .-.

Who are you, tf?

PrevailingQueen replied 3234 days ago