Hi, do you have an Instagram account? look my instagram photos http(del)://instagram,com@013417663404/748541 jodivy481
Yeah I have an Instagram account , Prince_hassan1
Is ur brother Hussain?
Yes Why??
Tell ur it her half he's cutee
I like your bro??
oh ok , who are you
Are u that annoying dude my friend has a crush on?
lol who are youuu
If there was a 10 digit figure in your bank account and it so happens to be your number, how much do u have in ur bank?
honestly i have R134 000 000 , dropped out from school for a reason
Yo bro stop having a crush on my girl tas, she's mine???
Have no crush on her.
Nope tryna make more money to afford one :D
Can i be ur princess?
Who Are You?
Are you a virgin
aahahahaahah , I wonder who u are...
What made you happy today? 100+
I won my gaming tournament!!!!
Do you even lift bro ?
-Jules? Jules_harbilas
Sometimes , lifting at young age decreases your growth. Learn about it . ??
What do you owe yourself?
I owe myself nothing
What Mood Are You in Right Now?
Joyful mood.
Describe Your Bestfriend?
Sweet , entertaining and fun ??.