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Ask me anything you like i will be honest

29 Replies

noot noot


PrincessNat replied 3085 days ago

Nattie Is perfect and is not "fat" or a "*****". You guys are all just stuck up f*****s that don't even know the full story. If anyone should be killing themselves its Daniel.

thank you <3 your kind and sweet <3 im glad i have friends like u <3

PrincessNat replied 3085 days ago

lets be honest you dumb daniel to be a sl.ut but you cant no one wants to touch u

nah no sl.ut, people do wanna touch me

PrincessNat replied 3085 days ago

once a cheater always a cheater
once a always a
your a worthless piece of sht
k please die

sure sure u spaz

PrincessNat replied 3086 days ago

you may seem smart in your answers but i know you, we know the real you natta., your not a gamer, your a weak pathetic loser who will kill herself as long as we keep pushing

i am who i am now and thats the real me

PrincessNat replied 3086 days ago

your life is over natta time for you so called friends to know who you really are

i am who iam and everyone knows who i am

PrincessNat replied 3086 days ago

damn i saw you the other day you gotten so fat i needed 2 pairs of glasses to see you.... babes give me your addy i will send you a warning fat load sign

kk i can show everyone my b**ty

PrincessNat replied 3086 days ago

hey can i help you kill yourself take you out of your hell you fat ugly animal

nah im good i think i will live

PrincessNat replied 3086 days ago

if you were my sister i would of killed you by now so that everyone would be better off.. HINT HINT

ok sure but if u were mine i would of killed u before u were born

PrincessNat replied 3086 days ago

heard you have a new boyfriend your such a

nope not boyfriend

PrincessNat replied 3086 days ago

go fck a cow you cow

kk go s*ck a pigs ****

PrincessNat replied 3086 days ago

leave her alone she left her cheating husband if you dont know the facts go die

thank u so much

PrincessNat replied 3086 days ago

you will never find anyone better daniel was the best but now i can have his **** so thanks

go ahead i dont care

PrincessNat replied 3086 days ago

did you know you that daniel was gay?

yes yes i do

PrincessNat replied 3086 days ago

so whos the new boyfriend? i bet you down graded

dude if i got a new boyfriend im sure he will be a hell of an upgrade compared to daniel

PrincessNat replied 3086 days ago