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898 Replies

What have you never truly gotten over?

Don't hold grudges

Prueb replied 2823 days ago

What is something very few people know about you?


Prueb replied 2917 days ago

What have you noticed about yourself recently?

Eat too much

Prueb replied 2925 days ago

How did your "crazy ex" become your "crazy ex"?

I don't have one

Prueb replied 2937 days ago

What causes you to stay up late?

Social media

Prueb replied 2949 days ago

What do you want to hate, but can't?


Prueb replied 2953 days ago

Paige hating on you at school

:) <3

Prueb replied 2953 days ago

A regret

I have plenty

Prueb replied 2953 days ago

Why do u have that scar honestly

Fought isis

Prueb replied 2953 days ago 1

Someone u miss


Prueb replied 2953 days ago

Thoughts on that Josh Jeffery kid ?

That josh jeffery kid is not bad, a good laugh, good to be around, funny and really nice to talk to.. Go way back hahah

Prueb replied 2959 days ago

What are you tired of?

hypocritical people in relationships, relationships with no trust, rude people (especially at work,) two-faced people, never being able to sleep in, school, term 2, being lazy coz no willpower, not seeing Milka.. Etc

Prueb replied 2959 days ago 2

At what point did you realise you are attractive?

There's a point? Then I'm still waiting for that point..

Prueb replied 2963 days ago

Closest friends yr 10&11

Cooper and Elle

Prueb replied 2963 days ago

Why the fûck don't u have a phone ?

I do, just didn't want to give u my number ahahhaa

Prueb replied 2977 days ago 1