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Ask Away

5 Replies

Thoughts long! Xxx OmgitsMystique123

You are such a cow and I actually hate you! Just joking you love. You are so hot and beautiful! I littarly love you being in my class! And I love the fact that you love me more than that random kid Lachy Williams! So babe just letting you know that you are such a beautiful babe! Xox

Pruelily replied 3718 days ago 1

Thoughts on ash Radford Pedro5235

I don't really know you that well but you seem nice. Would like to get to know you a bit better

Pruelily replied 3719 days ago

Thoughts xoxoxoxox z11554

Islay you are so mean and I hate you. You are such a piece of poo. Joking I only met you halfway through the year and you are actually so sweet. You are very beautiful but if only you didn't have such a white as*! Xoxox

Pruelily replied 3734 days ago 1

Thoughts? xx Billie.3

You are really nice and hot. You are actually so funny and I love the way you squawk! Xx

Pruelily replied 3746 days ago 1

Which friend would you take a bullet for?


Pruelily replied 3858 days ago