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Psychic Pete


Ask me anything you like anonymously

38 Replies

There are some flaws in your predictions for example age gaps change and though the average death age will increase the probabability of multiple people from the same place living to ages far exceeding others and men live longer than lots of women.

My predictions are flawless.

PsychicPete replied 3323 days ago

What will Shay Pattinsons future look like?

Shay Pattinson will be married by age 25, and have three children by age 27. Shay will be a successful businesswoman, raking in about $105,000 per year.

PsychicPete replied 3323 days ago

what does ebonee newson's future look like?

I am sensing that there will be quite a lengthy jail term in roughly 15 years time, I am not able to tell what for at this particular time. Not much is coming through to me about you

PsychicPete replied 3503 days ago

May i ask why?

Why what? If you are asking why I'm so perfect then I don't know the answer to that

PsychicPete replied 3506 days ago 3

What nationality is my wife going to be? Haha Damon.Albion14


PsychicPete replied 3506 days ago

Thiughts on harrison pullman and billie burnett should they be a couple??


PsychicPete replied 3509 days ago

May I ask what my future looks like? lafoiestperdue

Your future looks very successful, IF you decide to work hard. I am sensing that you are very smart. You have a passion for something, I can't quite put my finger on what it is, but I know if you follow that passion you will love your career. I do know, that whatever your career ends up being, you will definitely be helping people. I see you getting married quite young- 21. You have your first child at age 26, and at 36 you are a loving mother of four. You are your husband are very much in love and rarely fight. At age 39, you have your last child, baby number 5. You and your husband decide to open your own business, and although it had a rocky start, you both end up running a very successful business. Your husband passes away at 92, two years before you pass away at age 93.

PsychicPete replied 3509 days ago 2

What does Amy Seaton's future look like? x

After many years looking for love, you will meet a man at age 38, and fall in love with him. You decide to try for a child and you are ecstatic when you give birth to a baby girl. Six years later, you find out you are pregnant, which is a big shock to you, because you thought you were to old for another child. You have a baby boy and when he is 2 years old, you find out that your partner has been cheating on you, so you burn all of his belongings and kick him out of your house. One day you see your ex walking along the street, so you get in your car and run him over then drive off laughing. You go to jail for attempted murder, and serve 14 years of your 25 year sentence. When you get out of jail, you have no money, so you begin prostituting until your daughter tells you to move in with her. You do that, but then you attempt to kill her boyfriend because he called you a name. You go back to jail and die there. x

PsychicPete replied 3509 days ago

What does my future look like? HarrisonPullman

I see you getting a job in some sort of trade (plumber, electrician, builder etc). You get married at age 27, to a woman you meet at age 23. You have two children with her and you are very happy. At age 52, you and your wife divorce but stay very good friends. After a couple of years, you realise that you are are interested in men, and you start dating a younger man that you meet at a gay bar. You live very happily with him for 10 years, but then separate because he cheats on you with your best mate. You end up back with your wife and you both die in a car accident when you are 92 and 90 years old.

PsychicPete replied 3509 days ago 3

prettiest girls from any year level

I do not answer these

PsychicPete replied 3509 days ago

Why do u think my future looks like that haha billieb

I only say what I see. I am a very talented psychic with many many years of experience. You are able to change your future by changing decisions, what I tell you is not set in stone unless you choose it to be

PsychicPete replied 3509 days ago 1


That's okay

PsychicPete replied 3509 days ago 1

What does my future look like? billieb

Your future looks very... colourful- to say the least. In two years time, you are going to fall pregnant to a guy you meet at the bluelight. You are still a party animal when your child is born. Every weekend you go to at least one party, but sometimes you will attend 5 or 6 parties over one weekend. Soon, you grow out of your party phase and start working as a check out chick at the supermarket. You meet a fellow employee at your place of work, and there is an immediate connection. At 22, you marry this man, you have two children and at 26 you divorce him. You lose your job at the supermarket because you are always lashing out at customers and were fired after you jumped on a middle aged woman and slapped her with a leg of ham from her trolley. You don't work for a few months and then get yourself a job at Putt Putt. You begin dating your boss and he proposed to you after 8 months of dating. You say yes and 7 weeks later, you get married. You have 5 children with this man, and you lose your job at Putt Putt for purposely hitting someone with a dodgem car. You decide work isn't for you and don't attempt to get another job for many years. At 67, you divorce your husband and become a stripper/escort. You pass away at 78, trying to swing around a pole at the strip club you work at, but falling and hitting your head. (Your age was a factor but also the fact that you had snorted 15 lines of c o c a i n e before your dance)

PsychicPete replied 3509 days ago 6

Meth even HAHAH no way teah_fewings

I only speak the truth, I take my readings very seriously. Now that you know this information, you may be able to change the outcome of your own life. Also, after your 19th birthday, avoid buses for at least 1 week.

PsychicPete replied 3510 days ago

What's going to happen Between Maika Folauhola and Catriona Warden?

I am unable to answer

PsychicPete replied 3510 days ago