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155 Replies



PyroTech115 replied 2795 days ago

What causes you to stay up late?


PyroTech115 replied 3203 days ago

What type of people bore you ?

People like you

PyroTech115 replied 3536 days ago

Well as soon as you tell "all your friends" to leave Caitlyn alone, maybe she and the other people will leave you alone as well. Otherwise I can understand why she is fighting back.

I'm not asking anyone to even fight for me I'm not doing anything, I honestly don't care, as I said everyone's entitled to their own opinion and I can't ask anyone to change there views on someone else, so I think other people just need to grow up cause no one is perfect and the world is a and we just gotta keep living through day by day

PyroTech115 replied 3543 days ago

Leave Caitlyn the fck alone you A$$holes. At least she's trying to not let people like you ruin her life. She has most of the class as her friends since Patrick is a jerk to all of them, and the class all agree with Caitlyn that you are being a jerk to her.

I've given up I could honestly care less what anyone thinks about me, everyone is entitled to there own opinion, that's yours

PyroTech115 replied 3543 days ago

If you really think he was a jerk to you, why can't you be the bigger person and just stop this nonsense? And sticking up for yourself? That's all he's doing as well. He's also got friends on his side sticking up for him. Where are all your friends? Oh wait..


PyroTech115 replied 3543 days ago



PyroTech115 replied 3543 days ago

What do you want right now ?


PyroTech115 replied 3544 days ago

I would be offended, but your spelling is terrible and I'm just laughing at the fact that you are trying to be a bully to me when you think I'm being a bully to Patrick when all I did was stick up for myself, since he was being a jerk to me.


PyroTech115 replied 3544 days ago



PyroTech115 replied 3544 days ago

Caitlyn your just a bully.
Maybe you should grow up, and stop being a *****, not many people like you.
Patrick is a great friend.
Dylan, should sit you the **** down and tell you to stop doing this.

Again no comment.

PyroTech115 replied 3545 days ago

And Caitlyn, whoever seems to think you're actually a nice person is blind as f*ck. You're absolutely pathetic. Stop stealing everybody's oxygen.


PyroTech115 replied 3547 days ago

Shut up Caitlyn. Dylan must have taught you a lot about spelling and punctuation, because when I've talked to you in the past, you were pretty **** at it. Leave Pat alone. His foot is worth more than your sorry a*se ever will be.

I don't feel like I need to comment on this or the next one.

PyroTech115 replied 3547 days ago

Why are you so hostile to this Caitlyn person, I've met her and she seems so nice to everyone and when I walk past the VCAL room all I see is her being nice to you and sharing her food with you, so I think you are being too mean to her

Clearly you walk past drying her good moments and she usually doesn't share her food with me it's only been on a couple occasions she's shared with me

PyroTech115 replied 3549 days ago

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

There's not a lot that helps me sleep at night that's why I'm usually really tired cause i don't get much slee

PyroTech115 replied 3550 days ago