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People like you
I'm not asking anyone to even fight for me I'm not doing anything, I honestly don't care, as I said everyone's entitled to their own opinion and I can't ask anyone to change there views on someone else, so I think other people just need to grow up cause no one is perfect and the world is a and we just gotta keep living through day by day
I've given up I could honestly care less what anyone thinks about me, everyone is entitled to there own opinion, that's yours
Again no comment.
I don't feel like I need to comment on this or the next one.
Clearly you walk past drying her good moments and she usually doesn't share her food with me it's only been on a couple occasions she's shared with me
There's not a lot that helps me sleep at night that's why I'm usually really tired cause i don't get much slee
I'm sorry what I said about killing yourself was a bit to far, I'm sorry for that comment. I could actually care less what people thought about me if I died or killed myself. I don't care the she dumped me but we had been dating for almost 2 months when it happened, I don't understand why it mater how long I date someone for cause I don't see what kind of grounds or augment it hold with you, you've been with the same guy for a while and that's good for you, doesn't mean you have to bring people down with the fact their relationship hasn't lasted as long as what yours has, in a way our break up was good for both of us and neither of us see it as negative and as I asked earlier can you please leave me alone because I actually don't appreciate you attacking me even after I apologised twice now, if you don't believe I have I'm sorry that you don't believe I appologised but I have 2 times now and as I said would appreciate if you just left me alone to live my life the way I want to and not have anyone tell me how to live it or criticise me for not living my life the right way, have a good life and I hope you remain happy
Caitlyn honest to god f.uck off I'm not fu.cking doing it, maybe If you didn't have your head so far up your fu.cking as* you might actually be able to see I'm not doing it I have time to reply not time to construct and send myself qooh.mes to defend my self like honestly f.uck off pretty much everyone thinks your a b.itch and can't stand you, if you killed yourself not many people would care so get the off my back about something I'm not even f.ucking doing like f.uck sake
Clearly you don't know what's up you stupid b.itch cause I'm not typing that **** I have no ****ing time nor do I care to argue with you cause your so f.ucking stubborn and no point arguing about something that doesn't matter. clearly you are one of the dumbest b.itches ever cause you clearly don't know what's up cause I'm not doing jack s.hit, I don't care about you or anything you do or want ok so just leave me the alone, I don't like you you don't like me so why not just leave me the f.uck alone and stop saying **** that you have no clue about cause clearly you don't fu.cking know what's happening!
To the person who wanted to get in cause they didn't want to be corrected it happened
Haha good call
Why thank you kind sir/madam :) You guessed who it was :)
As I said hiding behind an alias and a keyboard, also clearly stalking my qoohme waiting for a response maybe you the one who should get off qoohme...
No I wasn't waiting to be criticised, I was just waiting to see the person was going to be a smartass and make a comment on the fact I put arsehole instead of ***hole, clearly they were stupid enough to do it. I love how people are prepared to stay behind a keyboard and annonymously bully someone but can't do it to the persons face
I'm glad you picked up in that I was hoping you would and was hoping you would have some sort of snappy reply, you didn't disappoint
Could you learn how to construct a proper sentence, maybe mr cocks can help you with it cause clearly you need help with that, no I was saying that I know nobody like me and I would prefer to keep it that way, I don't know why you stay on anonymous seeing as I know you don't like me, and if you don't like me why do you keep me as a friend on Facebook it makes no logical sense, mind you your not very smart regardless
Why thank you, you narasistic arsehole
How about know, I'm not if you realise but I know that and I give 0 ****s about your opinion
Why would I know?
A bit of both
ummm ok i dont really... i dont.. ok...
ummmm ok?
i dont know but not as big as what your bra is
kill who?
i dont wtf **** off
your a ****ing wombat!
never jesse
GTFO really?
live it to the fullest
I did ****ing apologise and I just did it again so if your still gonna be a bi.tch about it then fuc.k you, you can go get bent and screw you cause I'm sick to death of the you put me through regularly you may think you have try or your nice to be but you've only be nice to me maybe twice, yourself and I don't care if you hate me cause everyone does and I could care less if I wind up with no friends in the end of the day you ungreatful b.itch
I appologised to you for blaming you for sending me that qooh me thingy and take back saying it was you who said it
I don't know who this is but I'm sorry you miss me we must catch up
That's was for a completely unrelated thing and not when I apologised for blaming you which was in a different class and if it makes you feel I apologise once more for blaming you for saying that you sent me the thing
Awesome last night was the best
In class at school on Tuesday clearly your weren't listening
Mehh people think what they want and they are all entitled to there own opinion, this is yours other people have other ones, they can do what they like
May not have been her and I sorry for blaming her on some respects and o told her that at school but clearly she wants to take it further so up to her she can **** herself
**** off Caitlyn would help if your parents didn't spell your name like ***holes
Hahaha Caitlin, your kidding yourself if you think your ever nice to me, I do t remember the last time you were hahaha you've always been a bi.tch to me and I don't have any good experiences with you and I don't care if I have an friends in vcal cause tbh I hate everyone in the class and you can tell them and I don't care, I get treated like **** daily and what ever you do won't make it any better or worse then it already is so you can go yourself if it makes you feel better about yourself cause it doesn't bother me one bit you, also feel free to show this to anyone you want, 0 fuc.ks given
Yes, you got s problem?
Nice to know
No I asked her about a different question that had been asked a few days earlier, she was being a as usual earlier that day so I'm like hmm if you want to be treated right, treat me right, well I was at the table first so I don't feel I need to move if I was happily siting there before she turned up
No sure if this is serious or a pun but if it's serious I'm sorry to hear, if it's a pun, noice!
I know I'm as.shole so not much of an insult, also if she hadn't being complaining about what that question said the day the question had been asked maybe the response would have been different but I'm sick of all the that happens I usually do everything to be nice to her but when it comes to her doing little things for me I get spat in the face only reason she ever wants me to do something is so she can use me to get something for her so she better not be expecting me to treat her any nice for a while cause I'm over all the s.hit that happens in class and I'm over being used, I will still be and always will be used by people but I'm sorry but Caitlyn has crossed a line and she did it a couple weeks ago so unless she backs off she's not gonna get any sympathy or anything from me cause I've had it
Year 12 at my school
jebi se previše Haha
Haha thanks LS means a lot you've been there I feel for the longest time and seem to be one of the only people who care
None specific
Don't want any, doesn't help she treats me like **** so I'm sorry if I've had enough of her ****
No this is Patrick!
How about you go yourself Caitlyn you do the same fu.cking and you don't see me giving you for it, and don't say you don't do it cause you fu.cking do, go yourself if you asked who I dislike at the school your #1 on that list cause your such a fu.cking
I don't like many people, but I changed dislike majority of people at school they are all ***holes
Can I burn you?
Pretty much everyone
A what?
I don't understand your question
I'm not sure if your meaning as in feelings for cause at the moment I don't think I have feelings for anyone sadly, If it's about people I like, there a a few people but a lot of people get on my nerves especially people in my class
All I can say is, me too Apparently it gets better but I see no light at the end of the tunnel
I don't know who this is and it's disappointing that I will probs never know, thanks tho
No the definition of stupid is, lacking intelligence or common sense and the definition of laziness is, the quality of being unwilling to work or use energy
3 days maybe and I felt so gross, shower counts as bath right cause baths are not as good as showers
What makes you think you wasted my time, I'm wasting my time not answering this
Thats nice, sadly I have to inform you that we all end up the same way, so who know you could be first...
Weirdest thing about last post was it was my 69th reply...
Would love an uncensored version please try doing it like this F.u.c.k
Your entitled to your own opinion and it's not anger it's that I'm sick and tired of everyone's **** and I imagine your also about to be 18 if not already and your probably just as annoying and immature than me who know you are probably worse maybe you should worry about yourself before you start worrying and telling other people how to live there lives cause getting things like this is just as annoying as you think I am when I already know I gonna end up with no friends and 6 feet underground in a pine box and I look forward to that day.
-9001 cause Chuck Norris is God!
Apparently Nathan hunters mate knows the answer to this question, I always thought it was there to try and twist your tounge, it's one of the easier ones
Good guy, pretty chill
42, if you didn't know that I'm a tad disappointed
Oh well in sorry I don't mean anything by it I don't think I've truely pissed of with anyone from my class yet, a couple people get on my nerves regularly, but I'm sorry if it's effected you, sometimes I mess around with people with it, but I'm not ever 100% so I'm sorry, I'll try to be better
The relationship ended because of some cir***stances that will not be publicly discussed, if you would like to know feel free to message either one of us.
Not sure if I should be flattered or disturbed
Can you specify more? I feel like I'm just not in a good place like ever
Yeah 3 weeks ago, how do you think, I'm not coping, I ****ing miss her, I don't know what to do from here, I don't want to move on, but I don't know what to do, I'm a lost soul with no hope of being found and loved again, I'm drifting through a space of nothingness feeling scared and alone
Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality...
By my count not for 3 weeks now...
Dylan is this you?