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Lol soOOooooo it Has *** tOoOoOO daT pOiNt HOre u asK me a stUpId qUeStIon lyK dat ne \"waLking le mothO elkE daG doesnT meaN yOLL arE d8tIn\" GRoW uP !!!!!! NE
Dnt kNw u waNna check?????
LasT tyM!!!
I tRY waItsI moTHo wa moDiMo loL cnT reMeBER da NYMzzzzzzzzzzzzZzz
maRa THeY arE tHeRE!!!!! Som1 frOm da sTunNeRs daNcE cREW
Ahhhhhhhhhh #hoNeY mOoN sOoOoOOn soOoOOoO!?????? Ehhhhhh u jSt tOoooOoOoO cRUS mOs!!!!!!
YoU *rOLLiNgEyeS *
Ha.a i LyK tHeM hmmmmmmMmmmmmmm I GUEsS!!!!!!
Ahhhhhhhhhh iT,ll gOoo tO da sOcca pLaYaS thULaNi SeRErO nd LucKy kHuNe!!!!
Emmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hE sCHOOLin fOr Nw!!!!! But it,ll be a bOnUs iF hE DD pLaY sOccA!!!
LoL ahhhhhhh cUTe!!!!! Mara if u were daT cRuS yOu,d *** TooooOOooOo mE rYt??????
Ehhhhhhhh ka pHapha didnt nOtice..!!!!#rOLLinemeYez
Not by any chance loVie
i dnt thnk i caN do It ebILe
Ehhhhhhh exctly wat are u concratin me wIt !???????????? Am nt dBtin le ZEbY....lSt tym i cHeacked he was hiTTin on me
nw am dBting hM
lol iyoh mbYe if u coulD get Ur faCtz rYt wa Bo!!!!! #ngana reBa zeBy iyoh....
Ehhhhhhhhhh i dnt knw hy myb its because there hvnt been 1 i guess