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The fact that you used 'XD' proves your own immaturity
Ah fokin lov ya too ma potatoah
Should I really have to reply to this?
Obvs you, Joe ????
The only thing that s*cks about me is the fact that I found this post amusing ??
Naww baby, you know just how to make me smile ❤️ Words can’t explain how happy you make me❤️❤️❤️❤️
Idk did it? ????
Although your opinion may differ from mine...he’s not a dckhead ? I’ve known Iain for 7 years and I’m sure that’s plenty of time to make up my mind on what type of person he is... and if you say I ‘deserve better’ it means to some degree you care about me and my happiness, right? Well, he makes me happy... and there is literally no one else I can imagine myself with and if you still think I’m really making a mistake or I ‘deserve better’ don’t hesitate to message me because I’d love to hear your reasons because I honestly can’t think of a single one. ?
Hmm, we once flew to Denmark...I’d say that’s pretty far right? ??
Obviously ?❤️
That amazing human is ma bf and he means the woooorld to me ❤️
Naww thank you so much??
Do I need to start paying rent? ??
Aw thanks ☺️ that really means a lot to me x
*starts dancing really off beat*
You’ve gotta find that out yourself, bud.
Should I be keeping count? ?
*me when I find food*
Is it bigger in the inside?
For me, grade nine was better but grade ten is the best?
Thanks for the heads up? ?
Desert? I'd much rather go to the beach ??
Naw, thanks ☺️ made me day.
How would I know?
Who even is this??
Bruh, do to I look like an adolescent to you? ?
Dunno, I stopped counting after the last couple centuries.
Pretty good I guess ?
Naww thanks ☺️?
DOOOOO WEEEE DOOOOO *continues to sing the rest of the Doctor Who theme song as she disappears into the sunset*
Take a good long guess...
A good friend of mine ?
Aw ? you rock...except... *you’re ?
Well lol dude I can't tell you because you made yourself anonymous dude lol.
Neena❤️ily sm?
Everything. My family?, friends, Delta?, minkey?, my marks and it's nearly my birthday!??
I absolutely adore HP but sadly I haven't seen the last movie (Been busy busy). But I actually prefer the books. Have you read them?
Idk jump off a cliff.
2014, It was just amazingly fantastic because I didn't have to worry about high school and my friends. I had nearly all the friends I have now and it was just awesome.
I don't have a bank account yet so 0. ??
Megan Greggor
Megan, the whole point of this is to make it anomonous not be freaky. Haha.
Megan, the whole point of this is to make it anomonous not be freaky. Haha.
Please specify, back where?
My family or my bestie or one of my very close friends